Chapter 63

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Previously on Chapter 62

"They're water-benders!!" Katara said, making me grin happily. "We found the Water Tribe!" I said. I hug Aang happily, he laughs and hugs me back. We found it... we found the Tribe! Finally!!

-Unexplainable Feelings-


We are now being escorted to their Tribe. It didn't take long for us to see the place. I nudge Aang as the Tribe comes into view.

"There it is!" He said. "The Northern Water Tribe..." I said, staring at the Tribe in awe. "We're finally here" Sokka said. There's a bunch of water-bender. They lowered parts of the wall, giving us a path to enter the place.

"I can't believe how many water-bender live up here" Katara said, in complete awe. "We'll find a water-bending master to teach us. No problem" Aang said, making me nod my head in agreement.

"This place is beautiful..." Katara said, as we look around the place. "Yeah, she is..." Sokka said. 'Wait, she?' I thought to myself. I turn my head to see Sokka standing on Appa's as he stares dreamily at a girl with white hair. I raise an eyebrow at Sokka and turn my head away.

A man stand up as he face the crowd. "Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Water Tribe. And they have brought two people with them, someone very special, someone whom many of us believed disappeared from the world until now. The Avatars!" He said. The crowd cheers as Aang and I wave at them.

"We also celebrate my daughter's sixteen birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age!" He said again. The same girl Sokka have been staring at just wave at the crowd. "Thank you, Father. May the great Ocean and Moon Spirits watch over us during these troubled times!" She said. "Now, Master Paku and his students will perform!" Arnook said. We turn our attention to Master Paku and two of his students.

They start bending the water, forming a significant blob of water. Soon they merge the water into one stream, bending it around each other. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Princess Yue approaching Sokka.

"Hi there. Sokka, Southern Water Tribe" he said. "Very nice to meet you" Princess Yue said, bowing at him. I try not to listen to their conversation because I don't want to eavesdrop. But I didn't hear anything as they sit there in silence.

"So... uhhh. You're a Princess, huh?" Sokka said, as he tries to break the silence. Princess Yue smiles and nods his head. Sokka clears his throat. "You know, back in my tribe, I'm kind of like a prince, myself" he said.

"Ha, a prince of what?" Katara said, turning to him with a mocking face. Sokka turns to her with an annoyed expression. "A lot of things! Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation here" Sokka said. I just shake my head. "My apologies, Prince Sokka" Katara said, sarcastically. Sokka rolls his eyes and turn his attention to Princess Yue.

"So, it looks like I'm going to be in town for a while. I'm thinking, maybe we could... do an activity together?" He said. "Do an activity?" She said, as she looks at Sokka with a confused expression. Sokka blushes as he stammers with his words.

I don't know why... but my heart hurts seeing Sokka being so close with the Princess. Could it be possible that I have feelings for him? No... there's no way.

"Very smooth.." Katara said. I can't take it any more. I stand up and walks away from them. I don't want to hear anymore of their conversation. I'm not really sure why though.

Katara P.O.V

Y/N suddenly walks away. I turn to look at her in worry. I stand up and follow her. She leans against the bridge as she looks over to the city.

"Hey, Y/N..." I said. She jumps and turns to look at me. Y/N is able to sense the air if there is something threatening coming our way. But she can't sense me coming? That's so weird.


I jump when I hear Katara's voice behind me. I turn my head to look at her. "Katara... you scared me..." I said, sighing softly. "You're weird, you know that?" She said.

"How so?" I said, looking at him in confusion. "You can sense danger coming. But you can't sense me" she said. "You're not a threat, Katara. And... I was just thinking about something..." I said. "Oh yeah? About what?" She said. I bit my lips as I turn my head away from her.

"I can't help but notice my heart aching at the sight of Sokka talking to the Princess..." I said. "You like him?" She said. "I believe not. But I don't know..." I said. I let out a sigh and slump forward.

"It's complicated..." I said. She hums softly and pat my back. "I say you do like him. But I think it's just a mere crush or something..." she said. "Even if I do... I won't have a chance. Sokka probably already catch a feeling for the Princess" I said. "Well... I'm not sure about that" she said. I shrug my shoulder. "Okay... I don't wanna think about it. Aang and I have the war to focus on. I don't have time for things like this" I said.

"Anyway. I'm going to look for Aang. Who knows what he's up to right now. Gotta keep him out of trouble..." I said. She nods her head in agreement, knowing how much of a troublemaker my brother could be. I turn around and walk away.


We are now standing in the Plaza Fountain. I stand next to Aang. In front of us stood the chief, Master Paku.

"Master Paku. Meet your newest students. The Avatars" Arnook said. Master Paku's eyes linger on me, this makes me feel uneasy. "Just because you're destined to save the world. Don't expect any special treatment" he said. "We can't wait to start training with you!" I said, bowing at him. "After we relax for a couple of days" Aang said, making me nudge him in the rib.

"If you want to relax, then I suggest visiting the tropical island. If not, I'll see you three at sunrise. Good night" he said. He turns around and walks away. He's a bit bitter for a man... and why is he staring at me as if he hesitate to take me as his student? What's his problem? Ugh, whatever... I'll just focus on the training tomorrow.

*to be continued*

Aang's Lost Sister (Zuko X Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now