Chapter 64

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Previously on Chapter 63

"If you want to relax, then I suggest visiting the tropical island. If not, I'll see you three at sunrise. Good night" he said. He turns around and walks away. He's a bit bitter for a man... and why is he staring at me as if he hesitate to take me as his student? What's his problem? Ugh, whatever... I'll just focus on the training tomorrow.

-First Day: Water-Bending Training-


"I've waited for this day my whole life. I finally get to learn from a real water-bending master" Katara said, excitedly. I smile softly at her as we continue to walk towards where Master Paku wants us to be.

We walk up the stairs and stand in front of Master Paku who's bending around water. "Good morning, Master Paku!" Aang said. He drops the water and turns to look at us. "No please, march right in. I'm not concentrating on anything" he said. I can tell he's being sarcastic.

"Uhh... this is my friend, Katara. The one I told you about?" Aang said. He turns to look at Katara. I can see something flashing in his eyes. The same look he gave me last night.

He forms a chair using the water. He sits on it, while looking at us with a stern expression. "I'm sorry, I think there's been a misunderstanding. You didn't tell me your friend was a girl. In our tribe, it is forbidden for women to learn water-bending" he said. "Excuse me. What did that made me?? I'm a girl too" I said. He turns to look at me with a stern look.

"I have made an exception to accept the girl Avatar to learn because without her, their power will be unstable or that's what they all told me. I'm afraid I'm not going to take another woman under my wing" he said. So this is why he's staring at me like that.

"What do you mean you won't teach me?? I didn't travel across the entire world so you could tell me no!" Katara said, angrily. "No" he said, firmly. "But there must be other female water-benders in your tribe" she said again.

"Here, the women learn from Yagoda to use their water-bending to heal. I'm sure she would be happy to take you as her student, despite your bad attitude" he said.

"I don't want to heal! I want to fight!" She argued. "I can see that. But our tribe has customs, rules" he said with a bored expression. "Well, your rules stink!" She yelled, angrily.

"Yeah, they're not fair!" I said. "If you won't reach Katara, then..." Aang said. "Then what?" He said. I turn to look at him and turn to look at Pakku. "Then we won't learn from you!" I said. Aang nods his head in agreement.

"Well, have fun teaching yourselves. I'm sure you'll do a great job" he said. I glare angrily at him and grab Aang's hand. "Wait! They didn't mean that" Katara said. Then she chases after us.

"You two can't risk your training for me. You have to learn from master Pakku. Even if he is a big jerk!" She said. "But Katara..." I started. "It's okay, Y/N..." she pressed. I let out a sigh and nod my head. Aang nods his head as well. Then Katara turns around to leave.

"Why don't we get started then?" Master Pakku said. Aang yelps when a stream of water hits him. He do the same with me. But I'm quick with my movement, I turn the water back at him. He blinks in surprise as he disperse the water.

"Hmm... impressive. You have good reflect. Let's see if we can put that into good use" he said. I just stay silent as I stare at him with a wary look. Trying to be cautious just in case he would pull another surprise attack on me.


"You're moving the water around. But you're not feeling the push and pull. Look at your sister... she's doing an excellent job" Master Pakku said, pointing towards me. I let out a sigh and drop the water. "I don't get why all the masters we came across with would start comparing my brother and I. It's getting kind of annoying, you know?" I said. He shrugs his shoulders.

I turn to look at Aang to see him struggling with the stream of water. "Focus, boy!" Master Pakku said. "I'm trying..." Aang said, struggling a little. "Maybe that move is too advance for you. Why don't you try an easier one?" Master Pakku said. I let out a groan after hearing his comment.

"Can you stop looking down on him?? He'll manage! I'm sure he will! So stop it, will you??" I said, glaring at Master Pakku. He didn't say anything back. What a stuck up man. Aang just slams the water down in frustration.


I'm walking around the place. I feel exhausted after the training session. But I still feel like exploring the place. I turn around the corner to see Sokka. I was about to approach him, when I notice him walking towards Princess Yue.

Again... I feel an ache in my heart. I don't want to hear their conversation. So I quickly turn around and walk away. Why do I keep feeling this way?? First with Suki... now Princess Yue.

My mind drift off to what I saw that day in Kyoshi Island.


I fought all the fire-benders as best I could. I jump out of the way. I turn my head to see Sokka pulling Suki around the building. I jump down and hide behind a building, wondering what they're doing.

"There's no time to say goodbye" Suki said. "What about, I'm sorry?" Sokka said. "I treated you like a girl when I should've treated you like a warrior" he said.

"I am a warrior..." Suki said. She leans forward and kisses Sokka on the cheek. "But I'm a girl too" she added. Sokka looks at her in surprise as he start to blush deep shade of red.

End of Flashback

I'm now sitting by the bridge as my mind finally stop thinking about that day. I feel something wet on my cheek. I lift my hand and wipe it. I pull my hand to see a droplet of water. That's when I notice it's tear.

'Why am I crying?' I thought to myself. Why does it hurt to see Sokka with other girls. I couldn't possibly catch a feeling for him... could I?

I let out a sigh and place my hand on my sigh as I look up into the night sky. I let the tears streams down my cheeks, not bothering to wipe them away because more tears would continue to stream down my cheeks anyway.

Why do I feel this way?

*to be continued*

A/N: double update! Whoop whoop! Well... this is just a bonus, because I feel bad for making you guys wait for so long. But don't worry, I'll try my best to keep the update as regular as possible. Okay... byee!!!

Aang's Lost Sister (Zuko X Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now