Chapter 44

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Previously on Chapter 43

"Hmm... I'm sorry, what was that? Perhaps I heard you wrong. I think you mean 'I've got to eavesdrop' not 'find the bathroom'..." I said in a teasing tone. "Shut up, Y/N..." he said, blushing hard. I burst out laughing as he quickly leaves the room. Yupp... he's definitely going to eavesdrop. I see right through you, big brother.

-Not What I Expect-


Aang walks back with a wide grin on his face. Sokka turns to him and smirk slyly. "Looks like someone had a pretty good bathroom break..." he said. I let out a soft giggle.

"Yeah... when I was in there..." he started. "I don't even want to know!" Sokka said, cutting him off. I turn my head to see Aunt Wu walks in with Katara behind her.

"Who's next?" She said. "Okay, let's get this over with" Sokka said, standing up. "Your future is full of struggle and anguish. Most of it, self-inflicted" she said.

Sokka gives her a look of annoyance. "But you didn't read my palm or anything!!" He complained. "I don't need to... it's written all over your face" she said. Sokka just stare at her, without saying anything. I let out a chuckle.

"You there, come with me" she said, turning to Aang. "Can my sister come along? We're both the Avatars. Avatar Roku told us that in order to unlock our full potential, we need to work together" Aang said. She turns to look at me. "Hmm... very well. Come along, young Avatars" she said. I stand up and walks along with them.

She leads us to a room. The room is dimly lit. Four pillars to support the roof. Along with four cushions surrounding the small fire in the middle of the room.

"This is the most reliable method of telling your fortune. The bones never lies..." Aunt Wu said, gesturing towards the piles of bones. "Go on, pick one..." she said, turning to us. Aang and I look at each other. "Which one? Aang or me?" I said. "The older one..." she said. I nudge Aang to take the bone. He reaches out and grabs one.

"Now throw it into the fire. The heat makes cracks on the bone and I read the bone cracks to tell your destinies..." she said. Aang did as told and throw the bone into the fire.

The bones starts making a large cracks. "Wow that's a large crack..." I said. "I've never seen this before!" She said. More cracks is forming, and sending a large smokes in the room. We shield our faces in surprise.

"Oh my... your destinies! This is incredible. You will be involved in a great battle, an awesome conflict between the force of good and evil. A battle whose outcome will determine the fate of the whole world!" She said.

"Yeah. Yeah... we knew that already. But did it say anything about a girl?" Aang said, making me raise an eyebrow at him. "A girl? You want to know about love?" She said. "Yes!" Aang said, excitedly. Aunt Wu give him an apologetic gaze. "I'm sorry... but I didn't see anything..." she said. Aang looks down. I can see the disappointment on his face.

"Well, look! I must've missed something!" She said, picking up a bone. She holds it in her hand and start examining it. "Right here... it says "trust your heart and you'll be with the one you love"..." she said. This makes Aang's face changes into a happy one.

"Really?! Thank you, Aunt Wu!!" He said. He stands up and runs out of the room. I let out a soft giggle as I stand up. I was about to walk out when I hear Aunt Wu calling for me.

"Hold on, young girl... come..." she said. I turn to her and walk towards her. "What is it?" I said. "Have a seat... I can feel something else from you..." she said. "Um... okay?" I said. I take a seat in front of her. She holds out her hand. I place my hand on top of hers, and she begin to read my palm.

"There's a strong energy inside you... you're different from your brother. You have something else, not just the power and wisdom of the Avatar" she said. I look at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" I said. She looks up at me and give me a small smile.

"I'm sorry. But that's something you need to figure out... I can't see anything else about that... there's a block inside you. Preventing me from overseeing your destiny..." she said. She looks back down to look at my palm.

"Hmm... I see your love life. The man you'll destined to be with is very complicated. He's strong-willed... but he have difficulties in finding out his way. Inside his heart... he have good and evil. He seems... lost" she paused as she scan my palm. I just stay silent as I wait for her to continue.

"You have to help him. You are his hope in finding out his true potential... his true color. The love you have will be a difficult one. No matter what stands in your way... as long as you believe in your love, you'll always be able to find your way back to each other" she said. She looks up at me and smile softly. I just stare at her... feeling clueless.

"Um... thanks, Aunt Wu..." I said. "You're welcome, my dear..." she said. I stand up and bow at her. Then I walks out of the room. I slowly make my way back to the room where the other is waiting.

"What took you so long, sis?" Aang said, as soon as I reach the room. "She wanted to read my palm..." I said. "Oh... what did she said?! Did she said anything about your love too?" Aang said, excitedly. "Uhh... I don't think we're suppose to tell people that?" I said. He lets out a nervous laugh.

"Oh right... sorry. I just got excited. But you heard what she said about mine" he said. "It's your fault. Why'd you ask when I was still in the room?" I said. "Oh... fair enough..." he said. I rolled my eyes and let out a giggle.

I can't help but think about what Aunt Wu just said. The man I'm suppose to be destined with is complicated? He struggled with himself... of who he is? I wonder who that is.

*to be continued*

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