Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

Momo and l/n comes to me as well. I look down and starts to cry all over again. I've lost the temple... my friends... now I have to lose my bison too. b/n...

Rest in peace, girl...

-I'm What?!-


I wake up in the morning. I get up and make my way out of my room. Aang and Katara are in the kitchen preparing some meal, while Sokka still asleep on the couch.

They turn to look at me as I enter the room. "Good morning, Y/N..." Aang said. "Morning..." I said, in a low voice. My voice is hoarse, probably from all the crying I did yesterday.

Katara walks over to me and place a bowl of soup in front of me. "Here... it's going to help your throat..." she said. "Thanks..." I said. I pick up the bowl and slurp some.

"It tastes delicious, Katara..." I said. She smiles at me and pat my back softly. She walks away to continue cooking. Aang walks over and take a seat next to me.

"How are you holding up?" He said. I let out a sigh. "I will be fine... b/n wouldn't want me to mourn for her continuously. I'll try my best to move on" I said. He nods his head and wrap his arm around me.

I hear footsteps and turns my head to see Sokka. He takes a seat across from me. "Hey" he said. "Hey..." I said. He placed his chin on the palm of his hand. He looks like he's going to fall asleep anytime.

"By the way, Y/N... Katara, Sokka and I can't stay for much longer. We're wondering if you'd like to come with us?" Aang said, turning to look at me. I turn to him and raise an eyebrow. "Okay... but where're you guys heading to?" I said.

"We need to take Aang to the Nouthern Water Tribe. He needs to learn water-bending" Katara said. "I see. But I can't just leave the villagers alone. What if the fire-benders attacked them again?" I said. "Y/N... I know it's hard to leave them. But we need to learn water-bending" Aang said. I turn to look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean 'we', Aang? YOU'RE the Avatar. Not me..." I said. The three of them looks at each other. "What?" I asked. Sokka give Katara a look. I furrow my eyebrows as I watch their interaction.

"Y/N... we figured out how you some how managed to get out of dangerous situation..." she said. "You do? How?" I asked. "You're the Avatar as well..." she said.

"What?? That's impossible. There's only one Avatar that'll exists..." I said. "How about we try something, hm?" She said. "Try what?" I asked. "Follow me" she said, getting up. I turn to look at Sokka and Aang, to see them shrugging. I let out a sigh and stand up. I follow Katara as she walks out of the cabin.

She leads me to the waterfall. "Well... what are we going to do?" I asked. She suddenly turns around with a huge stream of water. My eyes widened in shock.

"Katara!" I yelped. I move my hand to cover my face, closing my eyes. But nothing seemed to happen to me. I didn't feel myself getting wet, nor hear the water.

I open my eyes and my eyes widened in shock. I yelp in surprise, losing my balance. I fall on my butt as the water drop on the ground around me.

"W-What j-just happened?" I stuttered out as I stare into the puddle of water in front of me. Katara squad in front of me. "That, Y/N... is called water-bending" she said.

I shake my head, not believing what she said. "B-But I'm an air-bender!" I said. "I know! You know what that means? You're the Avatar! Just like Aang!" She said. "But if that's true. Why didn't the monks tell me anything?! They only told Aang!" I said.

Aang lets out a sigh and kneels down next to me. He place his hands on my shoulders. "Y/N... they have figured that I'm the Avatar. So maybe they didn't think much about it. Maybe they thought it was just a coincidence. But I know it's more than that. You're the Avatar. Just like I am..." he said. I let out a shaky breath.

"That's why you need to come with us. So we can find you a water-bending teacher as well. Maybe we can even find a clue why there's two Avatar in this life..." she said. "But the villagers?" I said. "We will talk to them, okay?" Sokka said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I stare at the three of them back and forth. They are giving me a 'you have to come with us' look. I let out a sigh and nod my head. They smile happily at me. I yelp when they hug me.


We fly towards the village on Appa. I sit next to Aang on Appa's head. Sokka and Katara is sitting behind us in the saddle. I stare at the cloud, deep in thought.

After a while, we finally reach the village. Appa lands on the ground and I jump of his head. Aang follows me in suit. Appa lays on the ground so Sokka and Katara can climb down.

I turn around to see the villagers runs towards us. I bow at them. They stare at me in curiosity. I feel so dumb, realizing they don't know who I am because I have been wearing a mask.

"Ahh... sorry. You don't know me like this. Perhaps, this will give you a clue..." I said. I take out my mask and put it on. Gasps can be heard coming from all of them.

I remove the mask once again and smile at them. "I am so sorry that I haven't talked to anyone. It's kind of hard to be open after what happened in the past few months..." I said. They just cheers at me. I bow at them.

"So the thing is... I don't think I can stay for much longer. I have to go with my brother. I just found out something out of ordinary..." I said. "What do you mean?" I heard one of them said. "Um..." I starts. I turn my head to see a puddle of water on the ground. I lift my hand and the water starts to follow my hand movements.

Their jaw dropped at what I'm doing. I let my hand down, removing my control of the water. "So... as you can see. It seems that I'm the Avatar. But you already know that my brother is the Avatar. I don't know how is that possible. But it's true... so seems like in this life. There's two of us..." I said. They still gape at me.

"So yeah... I have to go with my brother to learn the other elements. But..." I said. "What's wrong?" One of them said. "I'm a bit hesitant to leave you. What if the fire-benders attack you again?" I asked. The chief walks forward and place a hand on my shoulders.

"You don't have to worry about us... your existence and your protection have taught us many things. You gave our benders courage to fight back. They will be the one protecting this village now. You don't have to worry" he said, smiling at me. "Are you sure?" I said, turning to look at the other villagers. They nod their heads.

"So... that means you'll come with us, right?" Aang said. I turn my head to look at him. He's looking at me with a hopeful gaze. Sokka and Katara also gives me pleading gaze.

I smile and nod my head. "Of course. I'll come with you guys..." I said. "Yayyy!!!" They cheers happily, and pulls me into a group hug. I let out a giggle and hugs them back.

*to be continued*

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