Chapter 10

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A/N: in case you're all confused. I'm writing this book after the Southern Air Temple episode. That's why Aang was surprised that Y/N is alive, as he thought everyone in the temple is dead. Let's get to the story...


Previously on Chapter 9

I smile and nod my head. "Of course. I'll come with you guys..." I said. "Yayyy!!!" They cheers happily, and pulls me into a group hug. I let out a giggle and hugs them back.



We are currently in the village. Packing all of our belongings for the journey. I walk away from the others for a while. There's a huge tomb for b/n on the ground.

I kneel down in front of it. I take off the bracelet that I've been wearing since I was a kid. I place it on top of the stone. I let my hand lingers there as I stare at the name.

"b/n... I'm going to miss you, girl. But you don't have to worry. I'll try my best to continue my life for you. I hope you're resting well... I'll find out how to go to the spirit world so I can come to visit you, okay?" I said, smiling sadly.

"Y/N?" I heard someone calls out. I turn my head to see Aang. He's holding our gliders. I stand up and walk towards him. He hands me my glider. "Come on... we have to get going now..." he said. I nod my head, smiling at him. I take my glider and fly away. He follows behind me.

I land next to Appa. Katara and Sokka is still loading our supplies. I help Katara carrying a basket. "Thank you, Y/N..." she said, smiling at me. I smile back at her.

I turn my head to see the villagers gathering around us. I jump off Appa's saddle and lands on the ground to bid them farewell. I smile at them.

"Have a safe journey, Avatars... and friends" chief said. "Thank you, Chief... stay safe and show no fear against the Fire Nations. Aang and I will try our bests to end the war. We will fight to bring peace for everyone" I said, bowing at the end. Aang doing the same.

l/n flies and lands on my shoulder. Momo doing the same with Aang. I smile softly at them. I place my hand on the plush necklace of b/n. A tear escape my eyes at the thought of my beloved bison who died to protecting me... yet again.

Gyatso... R/M... now b/n. They all died to keep me alive. But not anymore. I refuse to lose anyone ever again. I'll fight harder... train to be stronger so I won't lose anyone else.

I jump to Appa's saddle. Aang turns and smile at me. "Ready, guys?" He said. I nod my head. "Ready!" We said together. "Appa, yip yip!" He said. Appa starts to fly. I wave at the villagers. I keep staring at them as they gradually become smaller.

Once the village is out of sight. I turn around and sit down. "So... where are we heading to?" I asked. "Oh you'll see..." Aang said, grinning at me. I just huffed at his response. Well... knowing Aang, it won't be a direct trip to Northern Water Tribe.

I just lay down on Appa's saddle as I look up at the sky. "I'm sleepy..." I said, my eyes getting droopy a little. "Get some sleep. We'll wake you up when we get there..." Katara said. "Okay" I said. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.


I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see Katara. "What? Are we there?" I said. "No... Aang wants to stop here..." he said. "Oh... alright" I said. I stand up and grab my glider. I jump off Appa's back.

"Why are we here?" I asked. Katara just points at Aang who's staring at the ocean. "Aang?" I said, walking to stand next to him. He turns to look at me and grin.

"That's why we're here!" He said. I raise an eyebrow and turn to where he's pointing at. I can see a huge fish jumping out of the ocean. "Elephant Koi!" I said, staring at it in amazement.

"That's right! I'm going to ride them! Katara and Y/N you have to watch me!" He said, excitedly. He starts to strip.

He runs forward and jumps into the water. Only to jump back out. "COLD!!!" He yelled. I laugh at him as he quickly recover and swims towards the giant fishes.

He dive under the water. Soon come back out on one of the Elephant Koi's back. "Wohooo!!! Go Aang!!" I yelled. Momo jumps up and down. Katara cheers at him as well.

I turn my head to see Appa eating something he's not suppose to. "Oh no! Appa! Don't eat that!!" I said. Katara turns around and follows me too. I use my bending to throw it far away.

"You can't just eat anything. It could be poisonous!" I said, placing my hands on my hips looking at him with a stern expression. "Yeah... we can't have you getting sick. You know that, right?" Katara said too, scolding the giant bison.

Appa lays on the ground, looking sad. My eyes soften and walk towards him. I place my hand on his head. "I'm sorry, buddy... I don't want Aang to feel what I felt. Losing b/n is hard enough. We don't wanna lose you too... I can't..." I said, tears streaming down my cheeks thinking about b/n. He let out a sound that sounded like a whine and licks my face. I jump and lay on his head. "I love you too, buddy..." I said.

I hear Sokka screaming. I jump up and runs back to him. "What is it?" I said. "There's something in the water!" He said. I turn to look at him. "Aang! Get out of there?!" I yelled. I can see a huge fin appearing from the water. Aang notices that too. He instantly runs towards us above the water.

He came crashing at us, sending the four of us back. I groan as I land on the ground. "Man... slow down will ya?" I said. "Sorry... I panicked..." he said. I just sigh and stand up.

I was about to scold Aang when out of no where a rug shack covered my head. I feel my body getting tied up and thrown into the ground.

I can hear a thud next to me, letting me know that my friends and brother is in the same condition as me. "Hey! Who the heck are you?! Release me and fight like a true fighter! You coward!" I yelled. But they just pick me up and carry me. What in a spirit is happening right now?!

*to be continued*

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