Lo-Fi (s3 ep20) pt 1

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Present day
"Ugh why did I set it this early." Opening my eyes to looking at the white ceiling as I reach my hand over to the bed side table to smack my alarm out the window or that is what I wish I did . The beeping finally stops as I swing my legs of the bed to look at the mirror seeing my bed hair and my tired eyes. "What time is it" unplugging my phone of the charger and opening it to see that it's 8:30am. I groaned as I got out of the bed walking to the kitchen to brew some coffee and make breakfast. Opening the fridge the cool air hitting my face as I grab an egg and some bacon chucking it on a pan and turning the heat on. Ting. My phone went of showing I had a message from Garcia saying "boss man wants us at the office in 10 min." I grabbed my coffee, my breakfast quickly ate it brushed my teeth and put on my buttoned up shirt with black skinny jeans and my silver chain necklace, quickly leaving with the coffee in my hands out the door and in the car.

Time skip to the bau

Parking my car, as I walk into the elevator with Rossi inside. "Good morning kid hotch."he spoke with his Italian enthusiasm "hey gramps, how are you so awake." "coffee." The elevator dinged signalling that we have reached our floor. Walking over to my desk I see through my dads window that he's talking with what I'm guessing is a police chief about the case. "Morning spence" "hey y/n do you know who that is." "I'm guessing is a chief talking about the case." Derek walks over to us "$10 that it's an old friend." Now everyone is gathered around my desk trying to profile what's happening. We see them shake hands and the woman leaving. As soon as my dad walked out everyone looks away except me, we make eye contact and I shrug my shoulders while he looks confused as fuck. He calls everyone to the round table to start. "Hey dad who was that." "LAPD chief, she was asking if we could help on a case, also don't get comfortable there's time to debrief on the plane." "Where are we going." Reid asks "5 shootings in 2 weeks it's about time we get the call" Rossi states."we're gunna take Garcia with us, hopefully they give us access to their Surveillance system." Dad said "what do we know?" Emily says "All the killings are mid day single gunshot to the head with a .22." "Any witness?" JJ states "No." ".22 calibre pistol's only 152 decibels." I said "and New York streets and subways are routinely well over 100, it could be people that's aren't even registering the gunshot until the unsubs already leaving the scene" Reid rambles "they sound like mob hits." Morgan says "Except non of them have ties to organised crime" dad said "do they have any connections to each other?" Emily questioned "non they found" dad affirmed "how about communication with the police, has the unsub tried to make contact?" I asked. "Surveillance cameras have captured videos of 3 of the murders, this is the latest" dad said as he showed a video of a man standing in one of the New York subways alone while another man dressed in a black hoodie and black sweatpants shooting the man and walking away. We also couldn't see his face as he was looking down and the was bad. "That the best image they have?" JJ questioned is I agreed with her "there all the same, he wears a hood and keeps his head down." dad said while pulling up other videos of the same incident in different public places. "This guy's bold. Crowded areas, broad daylight." I said "so they're completely random?" Rossi asked "seems that way." Dad answered "Son of Sam all over again." Reid said. We head out of the room to our own desks to grab our go bags and I head straight for the locker that stores my sniper. Grabbing the black case and some spare ammo and heading out to the elevator where I can see the whole team staring at me. "What" "out of all of us you take the longest to get ready."  "Don't you want me to be prepared mr. Morgan?" "Fine..." "BTW you still owe me that $10." I smirked knowing that he would get annoyed. "Yeah yeah." He said while everyone looked at us confused.

Time skip to the plane

Boarding on to the plane I remind Morgan that he still owes me that $10, as he regretfully pulls out his wallet and a $10 note and hands it to me "you may have got me this time, but soon I'll get you." I smirked knowing he won't be able to. Garcia walked I. With her knitting set and her 2 bags "How come I only get to travel with you guys once like once every 2 years?" She questioned wanting to travel more with us. "Trust me mama, it's can get old" "oh right like the way that spa treatment in 5-star hotels can get old." She replied Emily followed behind "Remember the time we got on board and they hadn't chilled the crystals?" "Ooh I almost quit the bau that day" "you wouldn't cause you live it here" I said smiling at him "ok you know what? You guys can joke all you want, because I'm never leaving this plane" "I would love to carry you out of this plane misses happy."  I said to Garcia as she gave me the 'you wouldn't' face. Grabbing 2 hot coffees as I walk over to where we are about to discuss the crime. Handing one to my dad "thanks" and I take a seat on the luxury couch where I open up the folder showing the victims and everything else. "The victims?" Rossi questions "each killed in a completely different neighbourhood, Hell's Kitchen, Murray hill, lower east side, china town, east Harlem." Dad said as confused as we all seem when Reid says "it doesn't make any sense. There's no common victimology, no sexual component, no robbery, no geographical connection. Do the police Have any leads?" He questioned "he's killing roughly every 2 days, the press is having a field day, and it sounds like the mood on the street's getting pretty edgy" dad states "it's a joint FBI-NYPD taskforce?" Rossi asked. Dad nodded "Kate Joyner heads up the New York field office, she's running a point on the case and called my directly. JJ would you tell them we're ready to go?" "Right" she answered while getting up to go and tell them. Dad continues "Kate's starting to butt heads with the lead detectives and wanted a fresh set of eyes." "I've heard the name before Joyner, I know her she's a Brit, right?" I asked as dad answered "dual citizenship. Her father's British, her mother's American she was a big deal at the Scotland Yard before coming the bureau." "I heard she can be a little bit of a pain in the ass" Morgan spoke as everyone looked at him while I went "ooo you fucked up" so only he can hear me. "I didn't think so, we liaised when she was still at Scotland Yard." Dad said "and is she good?" Rossi asked "I think we're lucky to have her." Rossi gave a nod as we heard the pilot's voice confirming that we're clear for takeoff and to take our seats. Everyone heads back to their seats and buckles in as I grab my sniper and put it near my legs to insure that it doesn't get damaged, and buckles in like everyone.
I'm making this into 2 parts. The making because it's long so yea. And also u have no idea how many times I had to go back and change u to you and chapter 3 is in the making so if it takes long its because my thumb is cramping anyways toodles :D

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