The thirteenth step (s6e13) pt2

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About 20 of driving we arrive at a old trailer with a porch covered by metal sheets to protect it from the wether. Morgan, Emily and I step onto the white creaky steps leading to the front door. Stepping into the room the first thing that I saw was the timber covered walls surrounding the inside of the trailer with a couch fitted under a window out of the way of the door and old wooden furniture facing the couch. A pool of dried up blood that soaked through the couch led up to a splatter of red on the blinds. Beside the couch a cheap side table rests being held up by two over lapping rusty metal rods. On top of the yellow table, bullets are found. Morgan walks up and picks them up inspecting them then looks over to the dried up blood on the blinds trickling down.

Morgan-"ok so, Ray must have been sitting right here playing Russian roulette with his dad."

Emily-"Mr. Donovan was shot from across the room Ray couldn't have done it sitting there." Pointing to the rustic wooden chair."

Morgan-"maybe he got mad went across the room and shot him there." Pointing towards where Emily's standing.

Suddenly Emilys phone buzzes and Morgan and I look at her seeing a shocked/scared expression creep on her face."

Y/n-"Ems you ok?"

Emily-"hm, yea it's nothing."

Y/n-"what if Ray didn't do it at all. What if the girl pulled the trigger."

Morgan-"why would Ray let her do that he was the one with the grudge."

Emily-"maybe she's the one calling the shots."

Y/n and Emily-"she's the psychopath."


Emily lightly punched you on your arm as you show a fake pained expression.

Morgan-"well is she did do it without his consent they're going to be at odds."

Emily -"the first marital fight it's supposed to be the worst."

Y/n-"well it just might be the wedge that we need, and I know it sounds sad but it's going to help."

Walking outside the small building with Garcia on the phone giving us some needed information.

Garcia-"no Ray Donovan filed for a marriage certificate, however I looked at that list again and there's a Sydney Manning of Washington State who filed for a marriage certificate two days ago in Montana."

Dad-"Washington State? We profiled North Dakota."

Garcia-"she lived in North Dakota for the last four years, and it gets better or worse, rather it turns out that Sydney was sentenced to mandatory rehab after serving time for a hit and run during which she was under the influence of alcohol and heroine."

Emily-"oh, wait so she didn't volunteer for alcohol support."

Garcia-"nope. She was placed there as a part of her parole."

Y/n-"alcohol and heroine isn't that the same combo that Rays ex OD'd on?"

Garcia-"yes it is my friend, gold star."

Y/n-" :D why thank you."

Morgan-" so both Sydney and the ex have the same vice. Garcia check to see if there's any juice records of the ex we can access."

Garcia-"Amy was pulled out of high school so she could go to rehab for alcohol dependency."

Morgan-"but no mention of the heroine?"

Emily-"what are you thinking?"

Morgan-"psychopaths will destroy anything in their path."

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