Final shot (s9e3) pt2

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After 30 minutes of 'the boring stuff' Morgan and JJ finally arrive back to HQ with so needed information.

Morgan-" The guy had no idea, I mean he's racist as hell but he did not have the assistant D.A killed. He was way too surprised when we broke the news."

JJ-" He was way to angry at us to even be happy about it."

Rossi-" This is the only case the assistant D.A was trying, he has no other known enemies which means he wasn't the specific target."

JJ-" Ok, well, who else uses a .308 rifle?"

Y/n-" In Texas? Hunters, the minutemen, housewives. Which unfortunately doesn't narrow down the field."

Morgan-" Well the six bullets that didn't hit people have been all found. They were in the cafe sign, planters and a couple of trees. It all points to him not being a very good shot."

Reid-" Or maybe he's a great shot. According to the doctors at the hospital, all six victims were hit with kill shots directly to the head, base of neck, and heart. The sixth victim only survive because of in an anatomic anomaly."

May-" So what seems to be disorganise shootings is actually organised and intentional."

Rossi-" A forensic countermeasure."

May-" Mhm to make law in enforcement believe this answer is not a specially trained shooter."

Y/n-" Which means the victims were random at all he knew exactly Who he wanted to kill."

JJ-" So if it wasn't the attorney who is the actual target?"

The room went quiet. Who could it be? And then.

Officer-"excuse me but there was another shooting."

Time skip to the scene

The place was outside a petrol station. Surrounded by roads and other businesses filled with people trying to get their petrol changed. Rossi, dad, May and I were standing around a body.

May-" There are 3 victims but they heard more than seven gunshots, no one ever saw the shooter."

Rossi-" I don't think we're dealing with a terrorist, We passed the mall and a half mile away."

May-"I-I'm not following."

Dad-" Well a mall is a target rich environment for a terrorist who wants to insight panic and fear. If that was his aim he would've been more successful there."

May-" So choosing this gas station instead means what?"

Rossi-" He must've been going a after specific person or people. We should be trying to make a connection between the victims here and at the plaza."

Y/n-" Considering the position of the bodies and the fact that no one saw him means you had to been shooting over there."

Looking across the busy road between bushes that were covering a parking lot. Everyone turned to see and we walked over together past the honking cars over to the bushes.

Y/n-" The easiest way to stay hidden would have been from the back of the van or the trunk of a car parked here."

May-" Like the DC sniper."

Rossi-" A smart move would have been to stay put for awhile after all that mayhem. Driving off right away would have just drawn attention."

Dad-" How much variation is there in the traffic pattern here?"

May-" This is it. It's pretty much the same all the time except the middle of the night maybe."

Y/n-" So the unsub to time his shots to the quarter second to shoot between traffics in the gas pumps and hit all three victims."

"Target in site" criminal minds x male reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now