The thirteenth step (s6 ep13) pt1

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It's 8am at the bau and everyone is just starting to set up. At 8:30am I glance through dads office and see him talking to JJ about what I presume is a case. He walks out and gives us a signal meaning 'meet at the round table'. Everyone gets up and starts making their way over there, when I overhear a conversation between Garcia and Emily.

Garcia-"how's its going stranger?"

Emily-"oh, I'm a little tired. I went salsa dancing last night."

Y/n-"you went who what now huh? You salsa dance?"

Emily-"why is that such a big surprise?"

Y/n-"I could never picture you salsa dancing. You don't look like the type."

Emily-"the type."

Y/n-"that's not what I meant-"

Garcia-"omg like I need another reason to find you amazing."

Y/n-"I'm amazing."

Garcia-"in your own special way."

Y/n-"what does that me?"

Walking behind the girls up the stairs towards the meeting room.

Garcia-"this is a call for you from Sean McAllister came to my phone accidentally."

Y/n-"ooooo who's that Emily." *wink wink*

Garcia-"I can't tell you who but he did sound very hot and very important."

Emily-"did he leave a message."

Garcia-"no. But it's from Paris. A Scottish guy calling from Paris. Know this Emily even if he is ugly, Scottish guys are hot it's the accent."

Y/n-"me too. I'm hot too right?"


Emily-"ha sure I'll keep that in mind."

Garcia-"so what's the skinny? Is he an ex? International booty call?"

Y/n-"I have so many questions but not enough time."

Emily-"no he's a friend."

As we enter the room and taking a seat on the leather office chairs. Dad hands out the files and Garcia making her way to the front with her little remote that no one knows how to use except her and JJ.

Dad-"I know we've all seen the news, mass murder is miles city Montana. Six people shot and killed at a gas station."


Rossi-"no apparent motive."

Reid-"any security footage?"

Dad-"no. No cameras no witnesses. Ballistics say we're looking at two shooters."

Morgan-"well something at the stating must have triggered them. It don't look like they had much of a plan."

Y/n-" it may happen again, spree killers often repeat themselves."

Dad-"that's why they called, they wanted to catch them before that happens. Wheels up in thirty."

Pushing back my chair to give access for me to leave, as I grabs the files and head down the stairs to my locker where I store my go bag. Grappling the black leather bag and trotting over to the gun locker in my dads office. Knocking on the door I hear a faint "come in." As I open it I see my dad stood up with his go bag in hand.

Y/n-"just grabbing my sniper. Why does it have to be in your office."

Dad-"sure. And I don't see you having an office to keep it safe."

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