Final shot (s9e3) pt1

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I was a normal day, waking up, getting dressed and going to work. The elevator doors opened revealing a glass door with the FBI symbol. Stepping out with my go bag to the front door and opening it, I see my team packing in a rush and JJ on the phone. Passing them to go to my desk I ask the obvious question.

y/n-"what's going on?"

Alex-"don't know, just heard we were leaving now."

Rossi and dad pass us ready to go with there bags and we all followed.

Dad-"there's been a mass sniper shooting in Dallas."

y/n-"a what now, sniper. Don't tell me it's the DC sniper all over again."

Rossi-"you weren't even born then."

Alex-"how many victims?"

Rossi-"still unclear, 3 confirmed deaths so far."

Dad-"we don't know much beyond that."

y/n-"is it a terrorist attack?"

Once we walk out the glass door we are met with Morgan, Garcia and Reid. Morgan over heard my question and answered.

Morgan-"well, if it is, they're happening more frequently. First the Boston marathon then the cleaver incident in London."

Reid-"we're also coming upon the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, which also took place in Dallas."

JJ-"so we have to consider domestic terrorism."

Dad-"right now we have to consider everything, Garcia I need a list of all acts of civil unrest in Texas in the last few years."

Garcia-"copy that, be safe."

Garcia walks away from the elevator as we step in. The ding of the elevator alerts us that the doors are closed. Dad pressed the button for the ground floor and we start to descend.

Dad-"local FBI's on the scene, y/n you will have to keep a close eye out for anything or one that might be carrying something that would be used to conceal a sniper, also you would know more about the unsubs way for hiding and what weapon he might be using."

y/n-"yea don't worry I'll keep you guys safe."

We finally reach the ground floor stepping out and splitting off to our cars. Throwing our bags in the back and my sniper. Taking a seat inside and buckling our seat belts. I open the case we all received and start going through it.

y/n-"there's not much info on these files."

Dad-"that all they got."

y/n-"*sigh* damn"

Time skip

Dad, Rossi and I arrive at the FBI office would all be working in. A very modern office with red wine coloured doors leading to a meeting room with a round table and office chair around it. A board with photos of the bodies and a map, a screen is playing security footage at the scene. Sitting at the desk with a woman, blond hair and light blue button up shirt. She gets up to greet us as we walk in.

Agent-"it's worse then we thought 5 confirmed dead, 6 victims still alive in surgery now. This is agent May she's in charge of reviewing surveillance footage. These gentleman are from the BAU. SSAs Hotchner, Rossi and Hotchners son y/n."

y/n-"so there were 12 shots fired?"

I rest the weapon case down containing my sniper and take it out with the carry bad as I like to call it. I start to attach the silencer and load the bullets in then place it into the bag, zipping it up and swing it over my head to rest in my shoulder.

"Target in site" criminal minds x male reader [Discontinued]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon