Old Friends, New Neighbors

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"Oh man, so she's really not a fan then?" Tommy asked to confirm.

"I hope she will be, probably the only chance I'd get at a shot of talking to her again." Wilbur sighed, a smile still on his face as he returned to the game.

He and Tommy played for a few minutes before Niki joined their discord server, loading into minecraft. 

"Hi guys!" Niki's sweet voice rang.

"Hi Niki!" Wilbur and Tommy said in unison. The three played minecraft for another hour before Wilbur decided it was time for him to log off. They had all shared a few good laughs, but his social battery was getting dangerously low. 

He logged off his computer, resting his headphones around his neck, looking up at the wall that separated his apartment from the no longer vacant one next door. 

He wondered if he was supposed to introduce himself to his new neighbor, it was the polite thing to do after all. In the midst of thinking, 'what if she's a fan though' he was brought back to his encounter at the market. 

"Why didn't I just ask for your name?" Wilbur groaned, resting his head on his desk, hitting it gently a few times. 

He pulled himself up slowly, dropping his headphones into his chair. He sulked his way over to his couch, putting on a random movie. He didn't intend to fall asleep, but alas, he was out in a matter of minutes. 

Wilbur woke up to the traffic on the street below, a few sirens, and my god, so much honking. 

"Fucking aye." He groaned, pulling himself off his couch. He checked his phone, 11:30am and already riddled with notifications, before tossing it onto his couch as he made his way into his kitchen. Sat on the counter top was the array of cotton candy for Tommy, the receipt still sitting on top of the stack. 

He swung open a cupboard, disappointed but not surprised, to see a few expired packs of oatmeal, some beans, and a tipped over can of corn. 

"I swear I'm at the store every damn day, yet I never have any food." Wilbur mumbled to himself, opening the fridge and taking a large swig of orange juice directly out of the container. He nearly spilt some on himself as he jumped from the sound of a few knocks on his door. 

He quickly screwed the cap on, making his way to his front entrance. He looked out the peep hole, no one in sight. He pulled open the door cautiously, inspecting the empty hallway. He turned, rubbing the back of his neck in confusion, when he saw them. 

A plastic bag with six cookies in it tied to his door handle, a small note attached to the bag. 

"-your new neighbor in 606B" 

Wilbur smiled as he reached for the cookies, interrupted by the familiar sound of the elevator's bell. He turned, stepping to the side quickly, just missing a glimpse inside as the elevator's door closed. 

He made his way back to his door, retrieving the cookies before stepping inside. He thought back to his only half-ass encounter with his neighbor. He could barely recall her yelling out 'sorry!' from inside her apartment as he tripped over her bags lining the hallway. He shook his head every so slightly as he looked down at the cookies, pulling one out. It was still a bit warm. 

"Oh my god, yes." He mumbled with his mouth half full from the large bite he had taken. He returned to his couch, the bag of cookies in hand, as he grabbed his phone once again. 

He ignored his many notifications, opening Niki's contact. He FaceTimed her, knowing if he texted she would just call him instead of responding anyway. 

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