Cause for Concern

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Wilbur kept his foot hanging over the step, his heart pounding against his chest walls. Everything about Niki's demeanor had ensured him that he had completed misjudged the laughs he heard through the wall. How could she so casually mention that it was indeed him  they were laughing at? 

"Y-yeah, just-uh. Just give me a minute." Wilbur finally got out, continuing his journey up the stairs. Niki didn't even answer. He looked at her over the stair's railing, sitting on the couch with her phone out. God, was she even texting Rori about this now? 

The air in Wilbur's room felt hot and stuffy, the spring air slowly increasing in temperature each day. At least he liked to blame it on the rising temperature of the seasons changing. He pulled off his sweater, allowing his sweating torso to air out. Maybe it was the hypochondriac in him, but he truly felt like he was going to have a heart attack. 

He flicked through the various options of t-shirts and jumpers in his closet. He wasn't sure which was worse- prolonging the getting ready process to avoid hearing whatever Rori shared about him, or letting the feeling in his chest grow with each passing moment as he sifted through every embarrassing thing he'd said or done around her. 

Fuck. The text. 

Wilbur audibly groaned as he recalled the text he'd sent her, confessing his premature love. Of course  that's the funny story. He sat on the edge of his bed, his head hanging in his hands. 

"Wil? You alright up there?" Niki called out. Her voice sounded much more worried that Wilbur would've liked. Great, now even Niki probably thought he was losing his mind. 

"Yeah, sorry. Almost ready. Can you get the PC started up?" Wilbur stood from his bed, standing over the balcony. Niki was waiting, looking up at him. She gave him a small nod before heading to his desk. Wilbur turned back to his wardrobe, grabbing the first merch jumper he saw. 

The fabric was soft against his skin, the first thing to bring him comfort since he heard the laughing through the walls. He pulled the hood up, not wanting to bother fixing the mess of curls on his head. 

Wilbur laid back on the bed for a moment, the sound of keyboard keys clicking away below. Niki knew all of his passwords, so she would be able to get the stream all set up without him. He felt a bit guilty for it, asking her to come over and stream on his channel and then making her set everything up.

Just as he was about to stand, the haunting smell of roses wafted up from the sheets he was shuffling in. God. How could she be everywhere? In his building, in his mind, even the ghost of her in his bed. 

Wilbur stood from the bed, readjusting the jumper he had just put on. With each step down the stairs, he felt his heart beat a bit harder against his chest. Even when Niki looked over her shoulder with a soft smile, he still felt the tension coursing through him. 

Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe it was a lighthearted joke about something he forgot about. He had continually assumed the worst in Rori when she didn't deserve that. She would surprise him every time, showing him just how big her heart was. Yeah, he must just be overreacting. 

Wilbur found himself standing behind Niki as she set up the last light. She was much more attentive with setting up than he was. Plugging in his small neon sign and turning on his camera was about as much effort as Wilbur had put into his streams lately. 

"So, this funny story?" Wilbur wished his voice sounded more enthused. He wished that he could portray himself in a light that was anything but the nervous wreck he was. Niki turned around with a raised eyebrow, clearly picking up on his tone. 

"What's gotten into you? You've been acting weird since I got here." Niki sat down on the small stool she had brought over from the kitchen. Wilbur obliged when she patted the computer chair next to her, sitting in the seat 

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