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(10:29pm) What beach are you at? I'll come pick you up 


It seems her decline wasn't understood. Was there a chance this was for the best? It was dark, the night only growing colder. Having a ride back to her apartment would probably be the safer option. 

She looked around the beach that continued for miles in either direction, not a single sign or significant marker that she could base her location off of. Just sand, water, and the moon shimmering like smoke between the waves. 

Aurora looked back to her phone, deciding to send her location instead of disputing the ride. 

She slid her phone back into her pocket, ignoring the vibration that she could only assume was Wilbur. This was her last chance to enjoy the solitude that surrounded her. Another breeze rolled off the waves that crashed closer now, the goosebumps on her skin spreading. 

Aurora pulled her cardigan tightly around her, bringing her knees to her chest. It offered little warmth compared to the chilling wind, but she didn't mind. This was moment was just for her. The perfect ending to her hectic day. 

Looking up, she tried identifying as many constellations as she could. Big dipper, little dipper, Orion's belt, and- her thinking was interrupted as the sound of another person approaching, catching her attention. She looked forward, facing the water. No one else would approach the lone person sitting on the beach, unless it was him.

"Is this seat taken?" Wilbur spoke softly. Aurora continued to trace the outline of the distant waves with her eyes. She pulled one arm away from her legs, patting the sand beside her. Wilbur hesitated accepting her invitation, she didn't even notice when he stepped behind her. 

A heavy material was laid around her shoulders. She involuntarily jumped at the notion, causing Wilbur to step away. It only took a moment for her to realize he brought her a jacket. She pulled the coat around her, not even bothering to put her arms in the sleeves. It may as well have been a blanket. 

How cheesy. 

Wilbur sat in the spot she had previously tapped, leaving a bit of space between them. 


She watched in her peripheral as he began fiddling with the shells that stuck out of the sand. 


He was making a small line with broken bits and pieces of the shells he found, almost like he was marking one side his and the other hers. 


Which brought her more comfort- the fleece lined jacket that Wilbur had brought or the solace she felt in his presence? 

"I'm sorry I shut you out earlier." Aurora was quiet, unsure if she even wanted Wilbur to hear her. He was nothing short of generous, considerate, and helpful. He didn't deserve her constant ambivalence.  He was worth more than she had been giving him. 

"I shouldn't have snooped, don't apologize." Wilbur mirrored her tone. She turned away from the waves, her eyes searching for his. He stayed looking down, straightening the line of shells, completely unbothered. 

"No, that wasn't it. Um, it was about my dad actually. He- well." Aurora paused, sighing as she dropped her chin to her knees. "My dad died last year. Your hands are just like his. I didn't realize it until you held mine." 

She reached over to him, taking the shell fragment out of Wilbur's hand to trace along his palm. He didn't try to hold her hand again. He just kept his palm up, allowing her to take her time as she hesitantly caressed the jagged pieces of skin. She used to do this with her dad's hands all the time. 

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