His Muse

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"This is what your voice looks like to me." She said quietly, turning around the painting for him to see.

Wilbur's smile slowly slid off his face. He attempted to cover his dropped jaw with his hand, continuing to stare at the painting. 

The painting was like looking in a mirror. A mirror that showed him smiling, his eyes nearly closed. He had his chin tilted up, he assumed this was the angle she saw him at. Small green cloud like puffs surrounded him like cigarette smoke from another world. He couldn't believe she viewed him in such a wholesome way, nothing like how he viewed himself. 

"Yeah, that's.. that." Rori spoke softly, lowering the painting. Wilbur hadn't realized how much time had passed since she first showed him, without him saying a word. 

"Wait!" Wilbur interjected, reaching out for the painting. He didn't even notice he had grazed her hands until he felt her chilling fingers pull away, retreating into her pockets. 

"Sorry, I just- I'm literally speechless. This is amazing." Wilbur finally managed to get out. Now that he was holding the painting he lifted it up to his eye level. He couldn't believe that he was more interested in a painting of himself, when moments ago he was unable to avert his gaze from Rori. He felt like he was being let in on a secret, seeing himself the way Rori did. 

"You can have it, if you want." She said quietly. Wilbur had to lower the painting to see her face again. The moment they locked eyes she looked down, seeming almost embarrassed for offering it to him. 

"What?" Wilbur asked in shock. This painting was a masterpiece, how could she give it away so easily? He looked back to the painting, admiring it's uniqueness, something only she could create.

"You paid for my dinner. Let this be my thank you." Rori answered, looking up from the floor. Wilbur watched her eyelashes bat several times before he could even come up with an answer. The apartment's florescent lights bounced off her white walls, perfectly illuminating her amber eyes. She pulled her arms around her, somehow making herself appear even smaller compared to him. He wondered what she would look like at his eye level.

"I can't help but feel like you're getting the short end of the stick here, but I'm going to have to selfishly accept." Wilbur smiled, looking to the painting again. He tried to hide his small laugh as he heard her sigh in relief. He had no idea why she was nervous about him eagerly accepting the painting. If anything, he figured the most nerve racking thing about this situation was that she had a strange man in her apartment. 

"Well, I shouldn't keep you from your dinner any longer. Thank you for the painting and it was lovely to officially meet you, Rori." He continued, extending his hand. He couldn't help himself, he just needed one more touch before leaving. 

"Yeah, of course." She answered, looking over her shoulder at the take out box that still sat on her counter. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of his outreached hand when she turned back to him. Regardless of her hesitation, Wilbur was relieved when she accepted. Her hands were incredibly soft and cold, sliding into his like an ice cube. 

"It was a pleasure to meet you too, Wilbur." She continued, pulling her hand back and placing it into her pocket once again. Wilbur could still feel the cold lingering on his fingers as he stepped around her to the door, offering her a small wave before walking out, the painting still in his hand. 

He quickly walked over to his door, closing it behind him as he slid to the floor, clutching the painting to his chest with a large grin and most likely a blush across his cheeks. His moment of reflection was halted by two heads peaking over the back of the couch. 

"Wil, you're back!" Tommy jumped up over the back of the couch making his way to the door where Wilbur was sitting. 

Wilbur didn't even respond, holding onto the painting tighter as he watched Tommy approach. 

"Wil, I tried telling you earlier, but your neighbor- it's her! The girl from Niki's stream and the grocery store! Go talk to her man!" Tommy urged, nudging Wilbur's shoulder as he squatted next to him. 

"I just did." Wilbur answered, the smile still on his face.

"Does that mean no noise complaint?" Toby asked, still seated on the couch. He had turned around, his arm wrapped around the back of the couch, so he could see Wilbur and Tommy. 

Wilbur laughed at Toby's question. He laughed much more heartily than any of them expected. It was as if he was laughing away all his burdens from the last week. It wasn't until he lifted his hand to wipe the tear that had formed that Tommy reached down for the painting pulled to his chest. 

"What on earth is this?" Tommy asked, turning around the painting. 

"She.. She's an artist. She's an artist and she painted me!" Wilbur said through his final laughs, standing slowly from the ground. 

"I thought you said she wasn't a fan?" Toby asked sarcastically, finally getting off the couch so he could see the painting too. 

"She got your good side!" Tommy joked, tilting the painting so Toby could see as well. 

"She wasn't- isn't. She said she painted me after we first met. I don't think she even really knows who I am." Wilbur said, taking the painting back from Tommy. 

"What's with the smoke? Were you having a cigarette in the store?" Toby joked, failing at trying to pull the painting out of Wilbur's grasp. 

"No. She sees the world differently. She has synesthesia. She said this is what it looks like when I talk- my voice is green." Wilbur explained, the smile already returning to his face. 

"No way! Did she say what color my voice is?" Tommy asked, looking up to Wilbur. 

"We didn't talk about you guys. Well, except for me apologizing about the noise. Not only does she hear you guys but she also sees it. So, actually, be quiet from now on." Wilbur said sternly, pointing between the two younger boys.  

"So protective already?" Tommy joked, nudging Toby who was already snickering at the comment. 

"She's beauty, she's grace, she paints green clouds around my face." Toby joked, resulting in both boys bursting into laughter. 

"Wait- say that again." Wilbur's tone was completely serious as he grabbed Toby's shoulder. 

"Oh come on, I was just joking arou-"

"No, seriously! Say that again." Wilbur said, a smile forming. 

"She's beauty, she's grace, she paints green clouds around my face." Toby answered, doing his best to muffle his laughter. 

"She paints green clouds around my face." Wilbur repeated with a smile, pushing past the two. He set down the painting on his desk, grabbing an acoustic guitar and jogging up to his room. 

"Where are you-" 

"Be quiet! Be good!" Wilbur called out, interrupting Tommy. He made it up the stairs and sat down on his bed, bringing his guitar into position. He strummed a few chords before landing on one he was happy with. 

"She's beauty and she's grace. She paints me with green clouds around my face." He sang, smiling as more lyrics came more naturally to him. 

Wilbur grabbed a stray piece of paper and pen off his night stand, jotting down the lyrics and chords before they escaped him. 

"Amber eyes and raven hair, her voice follows me everywhere." He continued, doing his best to keep his voice low so she wouldn't hear him through the walls. 

"Guess we're getting a sneak peak of tomorrow's studio session." Wilbur heard Tommy joke to Toby downstairs. He didn't even mind- because he was right. Wilbur wanted to scream the song from the top of his lungs as soon as he could. 


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