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"I guess I really am being held together by tape and glue, huh?" Aurora scoffed, more so to herself than to Wilbur. At this point, the entire night was starting to feel like one big cosmic joke.

It wasn't until she felt Wilbur's arm tense around her that she realized what had escaped her.


"It's fine, really. You guys weren't wrong." Aurora said while pulling away from the hug. Wilbur's arms, which once felt like stone around her, now slid limply to her sides. She was almost disappointed that he let go so easily.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was bringing over some snacks for you and Niki when I heard you talking through the door. I didn't even hear my name, but I just got that feeling where you know people are talking about you. I shouldn't have stayed to listen, but I did." Aurora admitted.

Even though the silence in the car was tense, she pushed through. She knew that Wilbur deserved an explanation, regardless of if he asked for it or not. Aurora was sick of letting herself treat people less than they deserved.

"Was that all you heard?" Wilbur asked quietly, the green of his voice mixed with the white fog from the sound of the vents, the colors drifting through the car.

"Jeez, was there more?" Aurora said with a laugh. It really wasn't a funny situation, but maybe her sleep deprived mind was getting the best of her. Her smile faded when she looked over to Wilbur, seeing his pained expression.

"You missed the part where I told Niki that you aren't held together by tape and glue. Where I explained that I haven't met a side of you that I didn't want to get to know." Wilbur sighed, his eyes beginning to dart around nervously. "You missed the part where I told Niki that I'd never be reckless with your heart, and I just hope you're not being reckless with mine." Wilbur finished, shifting in his seat to face forward.

Aurora stared at Wilbur in silence. How could someone that she met a week ago see her more clearly than she sees herself?

"I'm not. At least, I'm not trying to be." Aurora said after a few moments of deliberation.

Wilbur was leaned back in his seat, still facing forward. She could see the tension rise in his forehead, his brows undoubtedly furrowed.

"Being reckless with your heart." Aurora clarified, watching intently as the tension released from Wilbur's face, his eyes fluttering shut. He let out what she could only assume was a sigh of relief.

He sat back up in his seat, twisting his torso to face her again. It hadn't even been five minutes since he last spoke, but she found herself craving to see the green of his voice again. For his sacramento words to tell her everything she wanted to hear.

Wilbur reached out, placing his hand on her cheek. Although her cheeks had felt freezing before from being at the mercy of the elements, she quickly found her temperature matching Wilbur's hand- warmth blossoming on her cheeks from the gesture.

She brought her hand up to hold the back of his, her fingers trailing down to his wrist. Wilbur leaned forward slowly, his hand pulling her face towards his.

"Can I kiss you?" Wilbur asked through an exhale. She couldn't tell what was more intoxicating, his question or finally seeing his voice again.

"Yes." She barely got out in a mumble before leaning forward herself.

Wilbur was clearly surprised by her advancement. Aurora couldn't blame him- until this point, she had yet to initiate anything between them. Wilbur's shock quickly subsided as he returned the kiss.

The kiss didn't feel like it was driven by passion or desire. It didn't feel like something that would quickly escalate to a decision they might regret after getting the sleep they were both lacking.

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