30. Reset

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Justin's POV

I was worried Amanda had fallen down the stairs, Roger called 911 and the ambulance came, of course the whole social media is wondering what happened, but I don't even know whats happening.

I was pacing back and forth wondering why the fuck no ones coming to ask me what's wrong with Amanda is she okay?! How the hell should I know?!!?

I was cussing at everyone, I swear some dude was about to get knocked out.

"Dude chill out someone is going to come soon just stop." Roger reminded me. I stopped and sat down.

I'm being so impatient that I can't even sit straight. After what felt like years a doctor came outo talk to Roger and I.

"Okay she's awake and I'm sorry, but there's something wrong." Somethings wrong.

I clear my throat I can't seem to speak. "Wrong?" I said barely being heard.

"Yeah come see for yourself." I brace myself for what's about to happen. I have no idea what's the problem.

As I enter the depressing hospital room and see Amanda I'm glad to see she's fine and wake. Yet she hasn't seen me yet.

"I don't see the problem." I whisper to the doctor. I was just about to walk towards her to hug her and kiss her when the doctor pulled me aside.

"Justin she doesn't remember anything that happened from the last 3 years."  My jaw drops that's not true.

"What no is she's going to remember me anytime soon? Or is this...long term. And how do you know its 3 years ago?" I say.

"When she woke up she asked where she was then we told her what happened and she didn't remember. We asked her how old she was and she said 18." 18?! She's 21 oh god.

"And we aren't sure she might remember she might not it's best you take her home. By the way hers a prescription for that cold she has." I feel horibble.

I walk into her room and she saw me I had hope she would smile and say something like babe, but she just frowned.

"Um doctor why is Justin Bieber here?" My eyes widened. She doesn't remember me.

Its like I pushed reset. She didn't like me when we met.  This is so weird, is this even happening?

"Amanda you forgot what's happened in the last 3 years. Justin is you're boyfriend." You should of seen her face. She looked disgusted.

"What the hell how the fuck did I end up with this....this douche?!" Oh god this is so weird.

"Well you are his babysitter and I guess you started to like him." The doctor seemed uncomfortable.

I decided to bring in Roger she should remember him hopefully she didn't lie to me about them rarely talking. If she ends up being all over him I might have to kill someone.

I hold my breath as Roger enters the room. I would much rather Amanda's parents were here, but their in Los Vegas.

"Roger hey." She smiled at him! Why am I so jealous.

"Amanda hey how are you feeling?" He asked. I was actually going to ask, but I guess he can.

"Well I just found out I have amnesia and I'm dating Justin Bieber. I'm so confused." She laughed.

I was freaking out and I wanted to punch a wall she doesn't remember me and everything we went through.


The car ride home was awkward Amanda was in the passengers seat. I tried to start a conversation, but it just wasn't working.

As I parked the car and opened the door for her she gave me a stink face. I grabbed her arm. Roger went ahead inside, I wanted to talk to her.

"Hey let me go." She said. Which made me feel horrible she doesn't know what's going on and I'm being all pushy.

I sighed. "I'm sorry. Its just that tonight we we're talking about our future and know you don't even remember when we met. I want you to know that I love you although you don't love me right now. If you need anything just ask me, because I want you to remember." I sounded so depressed.

She looked around. "Um okay you're less cool then I thought you'd be." Great just great. I watched as she walked away.

A couple minutes later I walked into my house to see Amanda just standing there.

"Are you alright?" I asked walking next to her. She seemed so excited.

"I just saw two puppies upstairs are they yours?!" I laughed at how excited she was.

"Actually I got them for you... The girl is Bella and the boy is Buster." I called out for them. Their big ears flapping as they ran.

"Oh my gawddd they are so cute." She said petting them. I joined in.

"Yeah. Hey do you want to go to sleep its like 6 and I'm pretty tired." I asked her. She stopped petting the pups and stared at me.

I started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?!" She screamed.

"The way you just stared at me is the way you did when you had a crush on me." I said laughing.

She got so red. Which reminded me of before we were together.

"Whatever. And yes I would like to sleep. Where's my room?" She asked me getting up.

"Well you and I sleep together, but if you're not feeling comfortable you can sleep in you're old room." I crossed my fingers  that she would sleep with me.

"Uh I'll sleep with you maybe I'll remember, I guess, but not sleep sleep
just sleep" I mentally jumped.

"Okay follow me." I walked up to my room with her eyes looking all over the place. She was so curious about everything.

I entered my room. I went through my usual sleeping cycle. When my shirt came off I heard Amanda scream.

I turned to her to see what was up. "Why are you shirtless?" She asked with her eyes covered.

"Well I sleep in my boxers." I said. She slowly uncovered her eyes.

"Oh okay... Uh can you turn around so I can change?" I frowned. I want to watch!

"Fine. Its not anything I haven't seen before." I mumbled the last part.

"What! You've seem me naked?!" My eyes widened. She's way more upset then I thought.

"Amanda you need to relax." I said. She was crying I have no idea why she was crying.

I ran up to her. "Babe calm down." I said embracing her in a hug. She was balling and I was clueless.

"I just wish I could remember so I could feel the way you do and I feel uncomfortable and lost." She said through sobs. I patted her head.

"Baby its okay you'll remember. I promise." I wasn't too sure, but I wanted her to stop crying and feel comfortable.

I wanted to kiss her, but at this moment I don't think its right.

She looked up at me and I looked down at her. I kisses her on her cheek.

"What the fuck how are you even real?!" She said before she continued to cry, and laugh at the same time.

I sure hope she remembers soon or else I might have to win her back.

Authors Note:

QOTC: Thoughts no this chapter? Do you think Amanda will remember? I haven't decided.


WAIT! Before you leave.... Update Wednesday or Friday?!? Okay bye

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