Day 1: Roszilla

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Mirai's POV

I strode briskly towards the large, multistory building grinning. Finally! Finally I was beginning to make my way towards becoming a world famous detective! All through highschool they said I would have forgotten about the dream after I graduated. But hell no! I'd made it this far and I wasn't giving up now.

Walking beside me, struggling to keep up with the fast pace I was walking at, was my best friend Angela

She started, but I cut her off,
"It's Mirai."
Angela rolled her eyes, just like everyone else, she didn't get why I had suddenly decided by name was Mirai back in the middle of highschool.

"Yes Angela, how may I help you on this fine day?"
I asked her, mimicking the posh way all the uptight, snobby detectives I had met so far had spoke. Well, nearly all of the ones I had met acted like that, I'd been on a task force once long ago-

"Are you even listening to me?"
"Not exactly..."

Angela frowned angrily at me, this was her first time on a task force, we'd both been working our butts off ever since we left school to get this job and I can tell that she's more nervous than she lets on about it. Despite the fact that we are best friends, Angela and I are total opposites. Take this very moment for an example.

Angela said loudly, catching my attention once more,
"If you want everyone to stop underestimating you so much then you'll have to start to acting according to your role."

She stopped walking, crossing her arms in front of her chest, trying to act all sophisticated but obviously failing epically,

"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean, you need to start taking your work seriously, or at least make it look like you are."
"I do take it seriously, just not in the same way as everyone else."

Angela raised an eyebrow, she clearly didn't buy it, but I just shrugged saying,

"Look, I may not be as perfect and neat as you, and I sure as hell don't have any organisations skills whatsoever, but do I look like I'm going to let that stop me?"
"Do I?"

Angela sighed, glancing at her watch,
"Well, your right about the organisation part at least, come on, we're going to be late. I can never win a fight with you anyway."

"Yeah,and you never will."
I agreed as we continued on.

We continued to walk to headquarters, chatting about what sort of case we thought we might be working on and whether or not it would be a big deal. Whilst I insisted that it was going to be awesome and that the two us would be the ones to crack it, which is quite obiously true, Angela said that it would be an easy one since it was our first real case, apparently thats only "logical".

Meh, stuff logic!

We walked into the large, spotless reception and gave our names to one of the many receptionists behind the desk, the glare (probably on account of my clothing style) she gave me freaked me so much that I felt as though I was giving my real name to Kira.

Way to welcome a newbie on their first day on the job...

We were given name tags with a barcode on the side so that we could prove that we were part of the task force. The receptionist handed me mine saying,

"Here, you'll need it."

I ignored her comment and walked down the hallway to the elevator without even looking back.

Bitch, I thought, already pissed off, just wait until I'm a world famous detective, then we'll see who's laughing.

I stopped in front of the door to the elevator and began to search the side of it, looking for the buttons, but there were none. Strange, I looked around me, there weren't any on any of the other walls either. All there was was a single blue light next to the door, I tried poking it, but to no avail.

One Hell of a Shinigami (Deathnote Fanfic)sequel to ITIMHAHAWhere stories live. Discover now