Day 2

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Sighing I forced my tired eyes to open, on my bedside table sat my alarm clock, the source of the irritating noise that had awoken me. One day, I mentally decided, I'm going to hunt down the idiotic person who invented that damn thing and kill them, literally. What possessed them into thinking that people would actually want to be woken up early in the morning by such an irritating thing? Rrrr....make it stop! I can't be bothered reaching over to turn it off, even the thought of that is tiring, but if I don't then it will keep on beeping at me. What did I ever do to deserve this?

"What a drag,"
I mumbled, as I hit it in an attempt to turn it off, but it kept beeping.
"Damn it,"

I felt around for the off button but to no avail. Eventually I gave up and pulled the cord out of the power point, the beeping ceased. With that I dragged myself out of bed and zombie-walked towards the bathroom, a shower usually wakes me up more than anything. I spent a good half an hour in there before I finally forced myself to get out. By that time it was 6:30am. Angela was already up, sitting eating breakfast at the kitchen bench when I finally walked into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead,"
She greeted me as usual, as she continued to type on her laptop.
I replied as I put two pieces of toast into the toaster and turned the jug on.
"What are you doing?"
I asked, looking over her shoulder at her laptop's screen.
"Researching the deaths,"
"Made any connections yet?"
"No, they've all been killed seemingly at random, there are no connections between any of them whatsoever, unless you count the fact that they've all occurred in the same town."
"Hmm, can you get a map of the town for me?"
"Ah, ok."

Angela quickly got up a map of the town.

"Jeez, the media really are having the time of their life with this case aren't they?"
I muttered as she clicked on google map. It is true though. The moment news about the case leaked out the media have been having a field day, saying that it's a real mystery and there's a possibility it will be left unsolved.

"There you go."
Angela clicked print, simultaneously the printer roared to life, I tapped my foot impatiently as the map printed off.

"Alright, do you have a list of all the exact locations of the missing people."

"Yeah, give me a second."
Angela opened a file on her laptop and a list of missing people and locations they were last seen came up.

"Do you want me to print this out as well?"
"Yeah thanks."

I sprinted back to the printer for the second time and retrieved the list in a split second. Placing the map and the list next to each other I began to mark out where the people were last seen. I then drew lines from the first recorded disappearance to the second and so on.

I sat back and examined the picture in front of me, the disappearances started in the centre of the town, slowly making their way to the edges.

"My theory is that the kidnapper began in the middle of the town here, and is working their way to the very outskirts and possibly the next town along."
"I see what you're getting at, but why?"
"That's what we're going to find out."

"I think you're onto something, you should bring it up at the next meeting.

I looked up at the clock on the wall, suddenly realizing the time.

"Crap, we're late again."

One Hell of a Shinigami (Deathnote Fanfic)sequel to ITIMHAHATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon