Nice weather we're having lately...

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I quickly caught up with Mello and Mat as they made their way around the side of the building where a small carpark was located. A group of students were gathered near a white minivan parked there, they were excitedly chattering away about who-knows-what. It feels like it was only yesterday that I was like that, just another school girl, my biggest worry being the score I got on my next exam. But things have changed since then, a lot more, than I had ever imagined. For a start being a detective wasn't nothing like what I'd first thought. Sure I'd been part of the task force with Ł and all, but that was a small task force consisting of only a few people. The task force I'm on now is quite a bit larger and unlike when I was with Ł, everyone doubts me, acts like I'm just an inexperienced amateur who will only get in the way. Perhaps in this investigation it'll be harder to get them to respect me than it will to solve the case itself.

Oh well, I'd just better concentrate on the matter at hand right now,
"So, what exactly were you guys doing here?"
I questioned Mat out of curiosity.
"Huh? Oh we came here on something a bit like a class trip to look at where Kira's last stand was, in class we've been learning about the Kira case, most of the info's classified so we're not meant to talk about it."
So I'm guessing they're all from the Wammy's? They must be pretty determined to become detectives if they've come all the way to Japan just to study a case solved long ago. At least, it was a while ago for me.
"I see."
Whatever the reason for them being here, at least I can ask Watari where Ł is so I can consult with him on how I got here and if the man in the black van had anything to do with the matter.

As we neared the group a couple of the school kids noticed us, one of them pointed at Matt and Mello accusingly,
"Hurry up you too, you're both holding us all up, if it hadn't been for you we would already be in there!"
"There's nothing much in there,"
Mello remarked in an uninterested tone,
"It's just a warehouse, the only thing that resembles anything of Kira's last stand is the blood stain on the ground."
"Blood stain?"
"Yeah, Kira was shot, remember dumbass?"
"Hmp, whatever."
The student turned away, huffing in annoyance.
"Be nice now Mello, now everyone settle down we will be leaving shortly,"
"You said that 5 minutes ago,"
One of the girls muttered.
"Matt, Mello come over here so I can mark the roll and-"
Watari paused for a moment, I guess he finally noticed me. A flash of surprise washed over his face, but was gone quicker than it had appeared. I soon became aware that the entire group was looking in my direction questionably.

I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by Watari,
"Everyone, please wait here give me a moment, I need to talk with Mirai."
The group moved out of the way as he walked over to me, murmuring to each other.
"Excuse me Mello, Matt, could you please join the group?"

The two shrugged and walked away, the second they were out of earshot Watari asked me,
"Hello Mirai, nice weather we've been having lately, no?"

I mentally face palmed, one day I magically dissapear in a puff of smoke then years later return and the first thing he wants to talk about is the weather? Typical.

"Yeah, ahh sure the weathers great I guess. There's something I want to ask you about,"
"Well, I was wondering how long it had been since I uhh, left..."
"About a month, give or take."

A month?! Geez I swear it felt a bit longer than that...

"Um ok...?"
"Is there something wrong?"
Seeing that this conversation was going no where and Watari was probably doing that purposely as a hint that we should talk somewhere more private I asked,
"Do you know where Ł is?"

One Hell of a Shinigami (Deathnote Fanfic)sequel to ITIMHAHAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя