Bargaining with a God of Death

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"How very interesting,"
Hikaru smirked,
"We need your help,"
I began, ignoring the creepy, know-it-all smile he was giving me.
"What makes you think I'll help you? I am a Shinigami after all, we don't take sides."
He replied in a raspy voice.
"But you do want to see something interesting, do you not? That's the only reason a Shinigami would come to this realm."
"The only reason you say?"
He cackled,
"You are smart, I'll give you that much, but don't think I'm going to make it easy. There's a price to pay for such a proposal and the answer's not apples either, I'm not one to be so easily manipulated."
Geez, not only is he creepy but a smartass too, why did he of all Shinigami have to come along?
"Fine, what do you want?"
I looked up at him, his tall figure towering over me, shoulders shaking with laughter.
"Mirai, don't do this, no good will come of it."
Matsuda put a hand on my shoulder, trying to reason with me, but I shrugged him off.
"I have too, this is our only lead and if I don't pursue it what's the point?"
Matsuda signed, he knew me well, I wasn't going to change my mind.
"If you really want my help, the information you need, then you must give half your remaining lifespan."

The was a deathly silence, I felt as though a brick had been dropped into the pit of my stomach. Half my remaining lifespan? For one case, I could finally prove myself and yet I could also die trying...

"Mirai! You can't!"
Matsuda grabbed my shoulders, shaking them as if to knock some sense into me.
"You have your whole life, it's just-"
I said plainly.
"I'm no fool, I also am not so easily manipulated to throw my life away as such."
To that he threw his head back and laughed again,
"I was right in coming here then, Humans truly are interesting. You have three questions, choose them wisely, if you do not and this becomes a bore, I'll kill you and find another Human."
I swallowed hard, this way I don't throw away half my life, instead I risk certain death.
"I accept,"
I said, staring at Hikaru in his anger filled eyes, they flashed with excitement at my reply.
What had I gotten myself into?

One Hell of a Shinigami (Deathnote Fanfic)sequel to ITIMHAHAWhere stories live. Discover now