Hey, Doll

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Summary: Bucky's tied up on a mission with Sam chasing down and fighting the Flag Smashers, but getting home to his wife is the only thing on his mind.

"Come on, Sam. I told Y/N I was gonna be back tomorrow," Bucky says frustratedly.

"I know, man but we gotta job to do here. It's just one more day, there's nothing to do but tough it out," Sam retorts annoyed at Bucky's complaining. Bucky walks away with heavy footsteps, taking out his phone as it dings with a voicemail notification.

Bucky sits down on the steps in front of Sharon's place they're staying in, raising his phone to his ear and pressing play.

"Hey, baby! I hope the mission is going well. I've been holding it down here at the apartment with the cats. We both miss you very much (you pause).

I've been trying not to worry about you as much, but I just can't stop myself. Yes, I know you're a hot, fully capable super soldier... did I already mention hot? It's my job to worry though, some soccer mom might try to steal you from me!"

Bucky chuckles and shakes his head.

"But, I'm so excited for you to come home, Buck. I can't wait to see you tomorrow, things are just so different without you here. So, kick that little girl's ass and make it back home to me in one piece, okay? Love you, Buck."

Bucky smiles as he sets the phone on his lap, thinking of your voice and picturing you smiling as you talk into the phone. Whenever he's away, he loves picturing you going about your errands, blasting your favorite music in the kitchen, or petting the cats. Anything he can to give himself a little piece of home on these long missions.

His smile is soon replaced with a heavy sigh. He hates having to tell you he's not coming home, even if it's just for one day. You are always so kind and understanding when these things happen, but it breaks his heart to know he's disappointing you. He always pictures you sleeping alone and having no one to comfort you after a nightmare, eating dinner alone in silence, or something happening to you while he's not there.

He picks up the phone and slowly scrolls to your name, smiling at your contact photo, a picture of you smiling as Bucky kisses your cheek in front of the French Riviera on your honeymoon.

He presses the call button and takes a deep breath as the phone rings, hoping to catch you before you leave for work, dreading having to break the news. At least if you picked up, he would be able to reassure you and get your mind off of it.

"Hey! You've reached Y/N Barnes. I'm away from the phone right now but I will get back to you as soon as I can. Leave a message at the beep!"

Bucky slightly smiles upon hearing your shared last name and fiddles with the gold ring fitting on his vibranium ring finger.


Bucky sighs and clears his throat,

"Hey, doll. I was hoping to catch you. I hate to tell you this, but it looks like I'm not gonna be able to make it home for another day. I'm so sorry, honey, I know we were both excited. It looks like I have some more ass-kicking to do with Sam. That little girl is a lot meaner than we thought.

I know you're probably disappointed right now, but let me try to cheer you up. When I get home, I am going to give you the biggest hug on the planet. We're gonna snuggle up on the couch with the big white blanket, order some Chinese, and catch up on our favorite show. I know you wouldn't watch it without me, right?

Thanks for sticking with me through this, doll. I really couldn't do this without you. After this, I think I want to be done for a while. You might be right about it being time for me to get a little piece of that life everyone talks about (he pauses).

I can't wait to just scoop you up and squeeze you, smell that weird mint shampoo you like, and kiss those beautiful lips. Hopefully, we can catch up on some... other things too (he smirks). I'm so excited to come home, sweetheart. Just hang in there for one more day, okay?

I hope you're having the best day ever... and don't worry, I'm staying far away from the soccer moms (he laughs).

Okay, I love you, doll. I'll talk to you soon."

Bucky Barnes x Reader Oneshots/Imagines - UnconditionallyWhere stories live. Discover now