Take a Break

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Summary: Since joining the Avengers after the extermination of HYDRA, you have proven yourself to be a useful computer guru and professional badass. On top of everything else you are in charge of for the Avengers, Tony and Steve have tasked you with designing a physical, 3D blueprint of the new Avengers Compound while they go on a mission. Things are a little more complicated than you expected them to be and you find yourself stressed out and exhausted.

"Ugh!" I exclaim, frustrated as a tiny 3D-printed building falls out of place for the 100th time. I had only been given a week to assemble a new Avengers Compound design for the architects. That would have been fine in any other scenario, but I have also been combing through old SHIELD data file by file. The deadlines approach and my stress levels are maxed out as I sit at the dining table on my and Bucky's shared floor.

I take a deep breath. In through the nose... out through the mouth, I coach myself silently as I force myself to bottle my feelings for the sake of the project. I pick up the tiny piece that fell on the floor and attempt to put it in its place, once again. As I hold the piece waiting for the glue to dry, I glance at the pile of many more pieces to be put together with a heavy sigh.

As I carefully start gluing another piece, I hear heavy footsteps enter the room. I remain focused despite the slight shaking of the table as Bucky enters the kitchen. That is until... THUD. A glass bottle falls on the floor breaking and startling me. The hot glue gun falls out of my hand and onto my leg, the hot metal and firey liquid making direct contact with my skin.

"Oh, shit!" I yell, scrambling to stop my leg from burning as pieces fly all over the table and floor.

Bucky makes his way over to me quickly with a kitchen towel, doing his best to wipe my leg and hands clean of the hot glue. I whimper slightly, looking down at the aching on my leg, and see a nasty, swollen red burn sure to blister. Bucky sees my discomfort and gently touches my shoulder before whisking me into his arms.

He carries me to the kitchen and sets me down on the counter, my leg sitting in the sink. He turns on the faucet to the coldest setting and lets it run over my leg, bringing me instant relief. I finally look up at Bucky, noticing the concerned look on his face as he observes me, dark circles above my cheeks, bloodshot eyes, and a pale face.

Suddenly, I remember my project. There it is, scattered on the floor my organized pieces every which way, and the final project is nowhere near done.

I put my face in my hands and groan.

"Doll, I'm sorry for startling you. I didn't mean to knock over that bottle," Bucky says, "I feel awful. I should've been more careful." Shame and guilt fill his voice as he looks down and shakes his head slightly.

"It's okay, Buck, accidents happen. I know you didn't mean to" I try to reassure him from behind my hands, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Look at me," he says as he gently pulls my hands down. I still look down instead of at Bucky, feeling embarrassed and disappointed in myself for being so clumsy and making a big deal of a stupid broken bottle. Bucky gently places a hand under my chin, coaxing me to look up at him.

"Come on, doll," he says with a gentle smile and lifts my face a little more. I slowly look up at him with a small glare and a tiny groan.

He smiles down kindly at me as my eyes meet his. God, he's gorgeous I think as I study his face, taking in his handsome features. My eyes wander to his lips for a split second before I notice a tiny smirk appear on his face, clearly noticing your wandering eyes.

"There's my girl," he says, snapping me out of my thoughts. Even when I'm tired and moody, he can still give me butterflies.

"Talk to me," he says as he sighs and places an encouraging hand on my back.

Bucky Barnes x Reader Oneshots/Imagines - UnconditionallyWhere stories live. Discover now