Quiet the Noise

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Summary: Sometimes we just need some snuggles and sweet nothings to help us get through a tough day.

A/N: So, I've had a few ideas for a Bucky fic book for a while now, but I wanted to wait until I had a little bit more support. Would you guys be interested in a book? Let me know!

Don't forget to comment, vote, or follow if you enjoy! I <3 you.

I would highly recommend listening to Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift while reading this :)


Putting the car in park, you sigh deeply as you remove your seatbelt and keys from the ignition. Usually, you would be aching to get inside, rushing to gather your things, and flying out of the car in all of thirty seconds. But today, you sit in silence, laying your head over your arms on the steering wheel.

You take deep, calming breaths, begging the heaviness in your shoulders to lift. But, it doesn't budge.

You rise from the steering wheel with a frustrated groan, rubbing your eyes and beginning to gather your belongings scattered around the car. You grab your purse, a couple of tote bags, and your thermos from this morning. You do a quick check of the items in your arms, making sure you have everything before starting your short trudge from the car to your quaint, shared townhome in Brooklyn.

You open the door quietly, taking in the aroma of pasta, hearty alfredo sauce, garlic, and a hint of your pumpkin spice room fresheners.

"Y/N? That you?" Bucky's baritone voice echoes from the kitchen.

"Yeah," you respond, removing your black peacoat and shoes, "I'm home."

You turn to the coat hook on the wall, hanging your coat and purse when two strong arms wrap around your middle tightly. You flinch slightly before relaxing against him.

"I'm glad you made it home safe. I missed you," Bucky whispers, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear.

You melt into his chest behind you, "I missed you too."

You hold onto his arms for a few seconds, taking safety in his warmth as soft music lowly reaches your ears.

"You hungry?" He breaks the silence.

"Starving," you respond as he takes your hand and leads you to the kitchen.

The table is set with plates of fettuccine alfredo, smaller plates piled with fresh garden salad, and a small basket of toasted garlic bread in the middle of the table. You see that Bucky has already opened a bottle of wine for you to share, pouring two glasses as you round the table.

Bucky pulls out your chair, pushing it in gently as you sit and pick up the silverware resting neatly beside your dishes. He sits in the chair opposite of you, grabbing the basket of bread and resting two pieces of garlic bread on his plate before passing the basket to you.

You hum in delight as the first bite of pasta reaches your mouth, earning a chuckle from Bucky as he digs into his plate as well.

"How was your day, doll?" He asks, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

You shrug, swallowing the bite in your mouth before speaking. "It was okay."

Bucky seems unenthused with your answer but chooses not to pry. He takes in your face as you pick at your food, brows furrowed in discomfort and E/C eyes dull and avoidant.

He waits for you to ask about his day as you normally would, tilting his head as you look out the window of your small dining room instead of speaking.

"Well, my day was kind of boring," he finally speaks up, breaking the uncomfortable silence looming over the table.

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