Catch Up Class

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Summary: When Steve and Bucky's lack of modern knowledge starts causing trouble around the tower, Tony tasks you and Sam with getting the supersoldiers up to date.

"Tony, you cannot be serious right now," you groan, holding your face in your hands.

"Yeah, man," Sam agrees, "Please tell me you didn't just pull us off a mission for this."

Tony sighs from behind his desk, spinning around in his leather office chair in silence. He grabs a manilla folder from a messy pile and slides it across to you. You open it and hold it between you and Sam so he can see. Both of your eyes nearly bulge out of your heads at "COMPREHENSIVE CULTURAL RECALIBRATION COURSE" typed in large letters at the top of the paper. You slam the folder shut and swiftly slide the folder back across the desk, shaking your head.

Tony stops spinning and rolls to his desk, "The Comprehensive Cultural Recalibration Course, or as I like to call it," he smirks, "Catch up class."

"No," Sam crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yes," Tony retorts. "As you both know, our dear supersoldiers are all handsome and burly, but lack... modern knowledge." He avoids your stare as he explains. "So, I came up with this little plan to get them all up to speed and got to thinking, who're better teachers than The Falcon and Heatstroke?"

"Absolutely not. Get the interns to do it," you say, arms crossed.

"No can do. We can't have Captain America and The Winter Soldier looking all puppy-eyed in front of the new trainees," he says.

"They're catching up on their own! I even gave em' music suggestions. Trouble Man. Marvin Gaye. Look it up, man," Sam scoffs.

"See! Sam's right. They've got it covered and they're already so much better than when they got here," you add.

"Y/N, this morning Rogers asked Nat to 'get in the kitchen' because he was hungry," Tony scoffs. "She drop-kicked him."

"Oh, God," you facepalm as Sam snickers quietly.

"Luckily, I was able to explain that stereotypes are kind of not cool anymore and smoothed everything over," he sighs, "You will meet two mornings a week outside of training until you make it through all of the items on the list."

He slides the folder back over, "And, I promise it won't interfere with your missions,"

You and Sam groan frustratedly, "Fine. But I get to drive the Tesla for a month," you quip.


Today is the first day of "Catch Up Class" with Steve and Bucky. You look down at your watch as you press the elevator's down button and see a blurry 6:05 AM, yawning and rubbing your eyes. What kind of monster sets a meeting for 6:00 in the morning? There better be coffee.

You walk to the living room of Sam and Steve's floor, dragging your feet as much as possible as three muscular figures appear in your line of sight. Your stomach tightens as you spot the back of Bucky's head. He's lounging on a leather loveseat while Steve and Sam are sitting across the coffee table in plush chairs. You see him laughing along with the conversation, sprawled out across both couch cushions.

"Nice of you to join us, L/N. You're late," Sam taps his watch.

You scoff as you approach the group, "You're lucky I'm here at all." You look for a seat and find that the only seat left is next to Bucky. He looks up at you, noticing your dilemma, and pats the cushion next to him, moving his sprawled leg to the ground. You can't help but notice his muscular thigh as it moves, perfectly outlined by his black jeans. You blink your eyes quickly and look up at him before he notices your staring.

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