| chapter nine. |

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IN THE END, AFTER GOING through her dilemma and her wild bad imaginations, Yachi accepts Kiyoko's offer and officially becomes the second manager of the Karasuno volleyball club. Not only that, but she's also studying together in their small study club and she never forgets to bow down to Yanagi in her mind because he can teach subjects that she thought were extremely difficult in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

But that doesn't make Yachi's fear of Yanagi go away. Her overly attractive handsome upperclassmen still keep her on standby if one of his fans notices Yachi standing close to him. As a result, she always stood a little further away from him. But it's impossible to deny that it allows her to admire his good looks from afar.

Okey. Stop. Change topic.

Among the members of the volleyball club and apart from Kiyoko, Yachi begins to get closer to the first years, of course. Hinata was the one she felt the closest to. The boy she had mistaken for a male manager was now one of the team's regulars. Furthermore, his cheerful and sociable personality makes Yachi feel more at ease around him. Even though his behavior is similar to that of a wild animal that it frequently surprises Yachi.

Yamaguchi comes in second. Yachi was intimidated by him because of his height, but he proved to be very gentle with her. Because they are both shy, it brings them strangely close. Yamaguchi is also one of the easiest people for her to talk to.

Then there's Kageyama. Okay, she wouldn't lie that she was afraid of him. Starting with his tall body, scowl expression, and intimidating presence, made her a little afraid to approach him. But it vanished when she realized he's a shy and clueless teen outside of volleyball, which makes Yachi always help him like an older sister.

The last one is Tsukishima. Yes, she was afraid of him in the beginning too. Especially with his personality. However, Tsukishima always speaks politely and respectfully to everyone except Tanaka, Nishinoya, Hinata, and Kageyama. And during these almost two weeks, Yachi didn't get to talk to him as much as the others.

"Oi, Kageyama!!" Hinata's screams echoed throughout the gym even though the teen was not more than 3 meters away from him.

"What?" he asked with his usual passive face.

"What's your birth date?"

"December 22nd," He replied curtly, returning his attention to the ball he was wiping clean. Didn't even notice how all the first years fell silent and turned to look at him in surprise.

While in his place, Hinata's chest was filled with pride. "Ha! I'm older than you!" he said proudly. "So you should be more polite to me!!"

"Huh? for what?" he asked irritably. Of course, Kageyama doesn't want to be like that to Hinata. He's polite to everyone but Hinata and Tsukishima.

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