| chapter fifty one. |

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MIYAGI FELT BUSIER THAN USUAL. People were seen walking around in either black or white jerseys. Banners were posted throughout the building. A large poster is even plastered on the building's walls. Cheering balloons can be seen by the people who entered the building, especially with the human-size animal mascot that really steals attention.

"Why are you on the phone? I've cleared your schedule," a dirty blond-haired man in a dark blue jacket tapped his feet on the ground impatiently when he noticed the tall figure was still busy answering someone's phone in English. "And he was the most excited yesterday," he sneered.


Konoha Akinori (24)
Yanagi's Secretary
(he doesn't know why he works there)

"Finally," he mumbled, heaving a sigh of relief to see he finally tucked his phone into his coat. "Who?"

"Mr. Jackson. I told him I'd call him later," he replied, wrapping his arms around Konoha's waist and pushing their way into the gymnasium together.


Yanagi Naoto (24)
CEO of Yanagi Corporation
(sometimes wanted to become a pro)

"We're late," Konoha huffed. Sitting in the chair they had ordered, in the section of Schweiden Adler, the white eagle. He narrowed his eyes as he searched the court for someone. "Oh, it's Tobio. There's Kiyoomi too."

Yanagi followed Konoha's direction and saw Kageyama in his number 20 jersey tossing to Ushijima. He also saw Sakusa there. Yanagi's heart always warmed when he saw the two of them compete in a match. His mind was filled with nostalgic memories.

Ignoring the fact that Hinata is back. 🤗

One might wonder why Konoha was in the Schweiden Adler section and not in the Black Jackals, where one of the members is his high school captain and teammate, and the other is his underclassman in his junior high. Konoha, on the other hand, is too lazy to cheer for Bokuto (and is sometimes embarrassed by his former teammate's attitude). And for Sakusa... there's Komori in his stead.

And Tobio is cute. Konoha has grown closer to Kageyama over the last six years, especially since Yanagi went abroad to study. And after Yanagi returned to Japan two years ago, Kageyama would occasionally drop by their office and they would have lunch or dinner together before talking about volleyball with him. Many people say that Kageyama is a mix between Yanagi and him, is it true? Konoha himself didn't notice it.

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