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"a monster is no longer a monster,

when he sheathes his claws to hold his lover closely."

Peter was waiting patiently out front of the Cullen's home, greeting the other nomads that had congregated in support of the coven. There were a few vampires he had not seen in decades, and a lot he had never crossed paths with before, only hearing about them in passing.

When he and Charlotte took Daisy under their wing, they had purposefully avoided al contact with other vampires, wanting to keep her as much of a secret as possible. They had ever switched diets to align with the Cullen's, to avoid any attention at all.

Daisy was the most placid newborn he had ever met. She was able to resist the temptation of human blood almost straight away, and never strayed from the diet. She wasn't aggressive or animalistic, she never got lost in bloodlust. She was always level-headed and collected, like she had been vampire for centuries. She also never experienced the typical newborn strength. Peter theorized that her body was in such a frail and weak state when she was turned that all of that energy went to bringing her back from the edge of death.

About a year after her transformation, he unexpectedly discovered that she had a gift.

She had been alone, returned to the couple after a short hunting tri when she had stepped into a barren meadow. The grass was a dreary shade of brown, dead and cry, crunching under her bare feet as she stepped quietly into the field, and the remnants of what were once clusters of wildflowers stung her heart. It reminded her painfully of her cherished memories with Jasper.

She was so lost in her memories that she didn't notice the creeping tendrils of translucent, green tinted energy emitting from her fingertips. They seeped into the ground and began revitalizing the lifeless flora. The grass returned to a vibrant green and the flowers grew, reaching towards the sky and blossoming open in a vibrant display of color.

She took staggering step backwards when she felt her energy drain, unable to keep herself steady. The meadow left her in panic, and she ran as quickly as possible back to Peter and Charlotte. She explained the occurrence frantically and it took Charlotte hours to cam the poor, confused girl down.

Once they explained to her that it was her gift, she began spending every spare minute honing it. She used it as a distraction from her deep yearning for Jasper, to attempt to numb the pain of his absence. She had grown and expanded her powers, far past Peter's expectations, and was soon filling their tiny shack with countless flowers she could now summon from nothing.

While Peter was lamenting in the past few years, grateful that the mind-reader of the family didn't seem to be around, Jasper made his way out of the home. He quicky approached his friend, pulling him into a short hug, patting him firmly on the back. It jolted Peter from his thoughts, but he was quick to compose himself and return the embrace.

"It's good to see you, brother," Jasper greeted, a rare smile on his lips. His eyes darted to Peter's side, where his mate usually was, but was met with an empty space. "Where's Charlotte?"

Peter took a deep, unneeded breath to calm his nerves, nerves that the empath had already sensed.

"What, did the little lady finally come to her senses and leave your ass?" Jasper teased.

"Shut up," Peter growled, shoving Jasper's shoulder in jest. "No, she's coming. She just had something to pick up."

Jasper brushed off his vague explanation quicky, and the pair fell into casual conversation, recalling their lives since the last time that had seen each other. Both avoided the mention of Daisy, Jasper glossed over that year of his life and Peter didn't want to ruin his surprise. 

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