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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫, 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘

𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫, 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘

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1994"Wait" Casey paused

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"Wait" Casey paused. Staring at her 'mother' as the woman stared at her a slight tear in the corner of her eye. "Your telling me Sheriff Goode is my biological father." The woman nodded her head slowly. "If he said he was in, where was he for the past 16 years of my life? Where were you?!"

"Look I clearly haven't been the perfect mother—"

"The perfect mother? You are far from ever being a mother"

"Trust me, I know. But when you were born I could just see everything that you could become.  A lawyer, doctor, maybe even the next president. But I could only see the things you could become. And I knew that if I raised you, you never would've become any of those. More like a drug addict fending for herself—"

"Well, the adoption system didn't work the way you thought it would, because I became that girl fending for herself and instead of a drug addict I was the one selling the drugs to get out of the shit hole I lived in."

"That wasn't the only thing I saw. I saw nick in you. I saw the sweet boy that I once knew. The boy that abandoned me while I was pregnant, he left me with nothing more then a baby I thought I could take care of. And I really thought I could. I took you home from the hospital. I tried my hardest but in the end if I had kept would already be dead. I haven't seen that boy since the day he dropped me off at home from camp telling me that he would see me in the morning. Well guess what, he never did. I lost everyone to that camp, Nick, Cindy, Alice, Ziggy..."

"But Ziggys not dead"

"She might as well be. I haven't spoken to her since she died on that field with her sister. And in my head. I never revived her."

"Well that's dark"

"Trust me, I know" The girls sat in silence until the phone rang. Standing up Kimmy walked over to the phone slowly picking it up. "Casey?" The phone echoed over the phone.

"No this is Kimmy Ashford"

"I need to speak to Casey" The woman handed the phone to the girl as she wiped away a single tear. "It's your friend"


"Casey, oh my god. I know how to end it all. I know how to save sam. I know where the hand is"


"Meet me at Shadyside Mall. I explain everything later"

16 years ago
The brunette boy walked up to the house. A black eye covered his face. The words his mother had yelled imbedded in his head like ink. Disappointment, selfish, ungrateful. Ungrateful? All the boy had ever done was be grateful. For everything.

The boy held a single rose in his torn hand covered by bandages to stop himself from bleeding all over the neatly tied gift for the girl pregnant with his child.

He never really wanted to kill her. He just needed to. Or at least make it look like he did. The Ashford name sent shivers down the spines of the Goodes and everyone who knew the true story of Shadyside and Sunnyvale. The reason they were split in half. The reason why every Shadysider was doomed.

The look his mother gave him as he returned home from camp. The news of a child made the woman cry. She looked at her son like he was sleeping with the devil. Like everything he had ever done up to that point didn't matter. As soon as his lips touched Kimmys her life was over. And he was the person that let it happen.

He couldn't bare the thought of the girl dying. He had insisted he was happy about being a father. He insisted that he was happy she was alive. But in reality if she died at that camp, like she was supposed to, by the hand of Tommy Slater it would've been easier for everyone. And the boy wouldn't have to be torn between people so important to him.

But his family was everything to him. They were the reason he never had be worried about paying for collage or food, housing or gas for his car. They were the reason he would never have to worry about money every again. They were the reason that he was doing what he was doing.

The boys left hand clutched to a pair of small scissors just big enough to slice a throat. He stood outside the door before knocking twice. He could hear footsteps inside shuffling around because the door swung open and he was greeted by the girls mother. "You must be nick" She smiled welcoming him inside. The nervous boy wondered in when the woman caught a glimpse of the silver scissors shunning in the daylight.

Nick noticed the look of horror on the mother face immediately as she reached for her phone. He grabbed her wrist pulling her over and slicing the woman's throat before he could even think. Blood poured out as Nick shook. He whole body froze at the pool of blood on the ground.

That was the day he lost any sort of feeling. The guilty feeling that he never wanted to feel again. "Nick is that you?" Kimmy yelled out from the back of the house. As the brunette boy broke out in sweats his whole body panicking. "Shit!" He mumbled.

He couldn't kill Kimmy. He couldn't now and not ever. He could never see Kimmy again. Not after what he had done. This was it.

The boy sprinted out of the house. Running as far as he could. But it wouldn't protect him from the screams and cry's of Kimmy as she collapsed next to her dead mother in tears. Her screams echoed through the neighbourhood as the boys legs ran faster.

What had he done?

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