2. Hospital

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Bobby got the call not even 2 hours later that the woman from the house fire had died orphaning the poor boy he and his team saved. Something in his head was telling him he had to go make sure the boy was okay.

If any other member of his team had done this, he'd lecture them on needing to separate the job from life and not allowing cases to go farther than walking through the hospital doors, but he couldn't help it.

Something was drawing him to this kid, and he didn't know if it was that the boy reminded him of his past son, or if it was just the sorrow and an unexplainable connection. Nonetheless, he approached the receptionist desk.

"Hi there, my team brought in a kid earlier. A young boy, burn victim." He said to the woman still in his uniform.

The woman nodded typing into her computer. "That was Evan Buckley, age 9, he's in the child intensive care ward."

Bobby gave her a nod thanking her for instructions and made his way to the boys room. He walked inside and saw the kid gently rubbing his eyes.

"Hey kid, how you feeling?" Bobby asked pulling a chair over to the boy. He watched the child look at his body covered in bandages and his ankle which had a cast over it.

"Are my Mom and Dad okay?" He asked in a hoarse voice causing himself to cringe.

Bobby sighed inhaling deeply. "You took in a lot of smoke inhalation, I'll get you some water."

After filling a small paper cup in the bathroom he returned and handed it to the boy who drank it immediately. Bobby watched the kids eyes grow tears. "My Mom and Dad?" He asked again. "I tried to get them out, the fire was everywhere so fast." He choked on a sob.

"I know, take some deep breaths." Bobby said gently touching the kids shoulder and giving him a supportive hug being sure to avoid his injuries. He held the child until he calmed.

He pulled away and watched the his eyes shyly go to the door.

"Sargent Grant." Bobby greeted standing up. "I'll be right back kid."

The two adults met in the hall outside the door.

"Captain Nash, I wasn't expecting to see you until dinner tonight. Did you learn anything about the kid?"

Bobby sadly shook his head. "No, he's real upset though, keeps asking about his parents."

"You didn't tell him?" Bobby shook his head. "I sort of just got here too. He seems a bit out of it."

"His 911 call was odd." Bobby quirked his right eyebrow. "Before he even mentioned a fire he said his father was going to kill him. Then I'm looking at his medical reports and it says the kid had lots of predated injuries."

"Yeah, that's what Barnes was telling me after he got him here."

"Bobby he had a concussion according to the medical reports."

"And he didn't go get any medical care?" Athena shook her head. "I don't like how that sounds."

"Me neither, let's go talk to him."

Athena and Bobby made there way back to the kids room and he panicked.

"Are you gonna arrest me? I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to." His tears returned causing Bobby to sit back down in the chair and gently rub the child's hair.

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now