23. A firefighter?

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Buck was still sure community college was for him, at least for the first year of college. He needed to go slow with his adjustments. He has been talking to his therapist about it a lot, and about how even with his parents support he still feels like he's letting them down.

Graduation hit and it was an even bigger deal. He was so stressed out sitting on the stage in the hot sun waiting for his name to be called. His Mom, Dad, brother, and sister in the audience.

"Evan Buckley-Nash." The crowd cheered and Buck smiled walking across the stage.

His graduation party was at the fire station. Chimney had him in a hug.

"Ah kid I remember when Bobby first adopted you. You were so small."

"I was 9 not a baby." Buck protested.

"You were small in personality. You were scared, now look at you."

"Able to mask my fear." Buck joked.

"I'm just saying it's amazing to watch you grow. Everybody here is proud of you, especially your Dad."

"Thanks Chim."

He went to find Hen who smiled brightly at him. "Little man all grown up."

"Hey Hen."

"You tell your Dad yet?" She immediately asked to which he shook his head. "You've got to tell him." She stressed.

"I know I know. What if he's mad?"

"Oh I'm sure he'll be less than thrilled, but it's what you want. You should do what you want."

"I think I'm going to try college and if it doesn't work out then I'll try." Hen nodded. "I'm going to major in something medical."

"Okay. You'll find your way kid." She said with a nod.

Buck was a nightmare once college started. He still hasn't picked a major and was taking the core classes like math English and a language to get them out of the way. His Mom as patient as she was was pushing him to make a choice. He felt far to overwhelmed with everything. It was only a matter of time until a downfall, and he fell hard.

He stopped going to class but was home everyday. His parents had no idea, he left at the usual time, and went out with friends before returning home. He flunked his first semester which is when they grew confused and upset.

"Evan how is that even possible?" Bobby pushed.

Buck shrugged. "I was uninterested. I don't even know if I need these classes in my major yet."

"Then pick one for christs sake!" Athena voiced her anger.

Buck crossed his arms. "I don't even want to go to college." He now protested.

"Then what? What are you going to do?" Athena asked upset in a challenge tone.

"I want to he a firefighter." He confessed and looked his Dad in the eyes for a short second before looking at the ground.

"Absolutely not." Bobby said after a moment of silence. "You don't want that."

"I do Dad! Gosh this is why I haven't told you. I've been so afraid of you getting mad at me. Hen already knows she said she'd help me get into the academy even if you guys said no."

"How long has this been in plan?" Athena asked not voicing her side on the matter.

"Last year. I said I'll try college. I told her I'll try what everybody wants first, but it's not what I want so it really sucks. I hate school, I've always hated school. I can't stay engaged and now it's even worse."

"So you've been hiding this because you thought we'd reject you? Turn you away?" Athena asked again. Buck hesitantly nodded. "We're never going to leave you."

"I turned 18. I was terrified for it to happen because then you have no legal obligation to have me." Buck was trying hard to hold himself together. "I couldn't tell you. I was too afraid of you saying no and wanting me gone."

Bobby shook his head and sat at the kitchen table. "You're our son Buck. I don't care how you got here, I don't care when you got here you're still my son. I can't leave you. Okay?"

Bucks arms crossed again. "Okay."

"Okay." Athena said thinking enough had been said. She already knew of his abandonment issues.

"Okay?" Buck questioned.

"You will finish your next semester because you will not have half a year off." Athena said seriously and Buck nodded. "You bring back decent grades and we will go from there."

"Like enrolling me into the academy?" He sounded hopeful.

Athena didn't nod. "We will see what comes next." His eyes went up and there was a small smirk on Athena's face. Bobby sighed deeply disproving.

That night Athena and Bobby had words, some unkind ones. Bobby disagreed with his wife's choice of helping Buck.

"So what Bobby? Should I have turned him away and let him leave and do it by himself? I would rather help him do this then have him do it behind my back. At least we know now why he's been so skiddish and defensive. He stopped going to class."

"A firefighter? Buck still has nightmares from when he was 9 years old."

"Bobby be honored. He chose the job you had, he chose the job that put you two together. It means something to him. It's something for him to hold onto and connect with. He needs purpose in everything he does, look at how this semester worked out. He's bored."

Bobby just shook his head and turned his light off on his side of the bed. Athena huffed and did the same the two sleeping back to back.

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now