3. Family?

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Athena didn't find the boys sister. She sat in front of the computer screen that turned up no results for the 4th time. She was beyond upset and saddened. It wasn't fair, this boy needed somebody to take care of him and give him a life he deserves. One that was full of love, compassion, and support.

She called Bobby to tell him the unfortunate news.

"It's like his sister dropped off the map. He has no other extended family, the kids been lonely his whole life besides having his sister who left him."

"So what does that mean for him?"

Athena sighed walking away from the computer desk. "That means foster care."

"He can't be put through that." Bobby's voice was serious.

"No kidding, he's already been neglected and emotionally damaged."

"Can we do anything?" Bobby asked her hoping for a better answer.

"Not unless we know somebody who's gonna take in the boy."

"Well he's still in the hospital right? He should be for at least a week with those burn wounds. That gives us some time. I'll go visit him so he's not alone everyday in that room. We'll figure this out, I'm not giving up."

"Me neither."

The following day Bobby went to visit the boy who was just staring into space eyes blank.

"Hey kid, I'm back."

"Bobby? Why are you here? Did you find my sister?"

"No not yet, Sargent Grant is still looking."

The boy frowned deeply and tried to hold back his tears. He hated being this emotional in front of a tough firefighter who saves lives.

"It's okay be sad, or scared. We can talk about it if you'd like." He offered the kid seeing his internal struggle and battle he was having.

"No it's okay." He shut down the idea immediately. "Why did you come?"

Bobby took a deep breath. "Well I didn't want you to be stuck here all by yourself, that sounds pretty lonely."

"Don't you have family?"

Bobby shook his head. "I did, they were in a bad accident 4 years ago. Now though, I have been dating the officer who was here yesterday. I really like her."

That made Evan smile which made Bobby smile. "You guys look good together. I'm sorry about you family."

"It's okay."

"I guess we both lost that." The boys eyes teared and he couldn't hold back anymore. Tears gently flowed down his cheeks. "I don't even know how I feel."

"That's okay Evan, death is a confusing thing."

"I don't even know if I loved them. I don't think they loved me, is that wrong? I don't think they cared about me too much. So is it wrong that I don't care about them dying?"

"I think you care, I just think you're processing."

Evan shook his head. "I care about my sister, and I care about my future. I don't care about my mom or dad they never did anything for me. They never even went to my football games."

"Okay." Bobby said seeing the child was set on his views today. "If we don't find your sister do you know what happens?" Bobby asked the child who shook his head no in response. "You would go into foster care."

"I don't want to do that."

"I don't want you to either, but if you have no family it's the only option."

The boy began crying harder. "Why does the world hate me? I never did anything bad. I just wanted them to notice me now I have nobody. I want out of this place."

"This place is the only reason why you're not currently in foster care." Bobby said to him hoping to calm him down. "Now Sargent Grant is looking for your sister, and her and I will be sure you're well taken care of."


3 days passed, Bobby took off work to be with the boy on the 4th day. The kid was feeling stronger and was sitting up eating soup. Bobby couldn't get the smile off his own face as he listened to the kid talk about skateboarding and how much he loved it.

"Maddie always would clean me up if I got into an accident." He went silent after that.

"I'm sure she was a great older sister."

The boy nodded. "She wanted to be a nurse, maybe that's why she always took good care of me." He said rationalizing his sisters love to being a job because he never experienced the feeling with anybody else.

"I think she loved you and didn't want you hurting."

"Maybe that too. I don't understand love, how does it happen?"

Bobby smiled at the young curious boy. "Well I'm not too sure how it happens, but I know I love Sargent Grant. It happened to me after I spent time with her and learned to trust her. She was nice and always made me smile. You'll understand love one day when you meet somebody special."

"What if I'm always alone?" He contradicted.

Bobby chuckled. "You won't be."

After a few more hours of talking and laughing together Athena showed up. She watched from the door way as the two were laughing together before she interrupted.

"Having fun?"

"Bobby's super funny." Evan said still chuckling.

"Well it's nice to see some personality come out of you kid. I'm glad the hospital life hasn't ruined your sparkle." Evan cringed making her chuckle. "Bobby can we talk?" He nodded patting the kid on the head before exiting the room.

"I still haven't found the sister. I'm being pushed to hand the case to CPS to get him into the system before he has to be discharged so they have a home waiting for him."

Bobby shook his head. "No." His voice was sharp, and emotional. "That kid is either leaving here with his sister or with me."

"Bobby." Athena tilted her head. "Be rational."

"Honey, I have sat here for the past 4 days with him. He's so bright, and funny. He's so sad and lonely, I can't leave him to he thrown into a broken system."

"You're not a registered foster parent, the only way you could bring him into your apartment is through adoption."

"Then hand me some papers to sign." He said no falter or joke in his voice. "If you don't want him, we haven't moved in together yet, we talked, if it's too much we can wait."

"I don't-" she paused and looked at her boyfriend. "Are you sure?" Her face held a bewildered look.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. When my team pulled him from that building I could feel I was drawn to him. He lost his family the same way I did, he needs somebody to love and understand him. I can."

"I'll call the judge." Was all she said not giving her own opinion on the matter and walked away.

Bobby rubbed his eyes and face taking some deep breaths before throwing on a smile and walking back into the room starting a conversation with the boy about what he might want to be when he grows up. He's not letting this kid go.

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now