24. Support

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It was getting tense again in the house with Athena trying to support Buck as Bobby still didn't want him to be a firefighter.

Buck started staying out late again, it worried them until Athena accidentally walked in on him after a shower and the kid was practically covered in hickeys.

"Are you using protection?" Was the only thing she asked.

"Yeah Mom please get out." He replied irritated that she walked in on him wearing a towel. She hurried out the door closing it completely, Buck locked it immediately afterwards.

After a few more days of Buck not even coming home overnight Athena finally asked some questions.

"What's their name?" She asked when Buck entered the front door.

"Hm?" He said confused walking into the kitchen and taking a water bottle. "What's the name of the person you've been seeing?"

"Oh, uh it's Cam."

Athena nodded. "Boy or girl? Not that it matters I'm just wondering."

"Boy why?" He looked at her suspiciously.

Athena nodded. "You date and see more men than women." She clearly stated. "Just observation."

"That's because I like them more. I like girls, but y'all are confusing and guys are more attractive."

"So you just have a male preference?"

Buck nodded and shrugged at the same time. "Yeah you could say that. Is that okay?"

"Course it is. I was just wondering."

"Do you think I'm gay?" He asked with a small smile.

Athena opened her mouth and closed it thinking about what she wanted to say. "I think you're whatever you say to me you are."

"Good, but between you and me I'm like 96% gay." He said completely serious but with a smile.

"96%?" She asked puzzled but amused.

"Oh yeah. I don't even think I like girls sometimes but then I'll see Zendaya and I'm like oh never mind."

Athena let out a laugh. "If only your father was here for this."

"This conversation is happing because Dad isn't here." Buck said with a smile. "He doesn't want to hear about my relationship habits."

"Sure he does." Athena said her smile softening. "He does, he's just bad at showing his affection as of late."

"Feels like he used to care a lot more about trying. He used to be the only thing in my life keeping me stable. I miss being close to him. He doesn't want me being a firefighter though."

"He wants his baby close. He wants you safe. You're not safe if he's watching you go climb up buildings and run into danger. He wants you to do what you want, but he also has experience with how hard the job is."

"We both know from when I was little I was causing trouble and doing that anyways. Now it's purposeful."

"Maybe try to get that though to him. It's going to be an adjustment for both of you. Especially when you get put on the 118."

"The 118? Really you think?"

"I know." Athena answered seriously. "You think your Dad is going to let you go running into danger that's not under his control. He's already talked to the fire chief."

"So he knows I'm going to go through with it? Why is he still giving me trouble?" Buck was genuinely surprised to hear his Dad had talked about him joining.

"He doesn't have to like the idea, but he does have to respect you and your wishes. We support you Buck." Athena placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Mom. I'll talk to Dad again."


Bobby was still a bit cold toward Buck until the first day of the academy. Buck came home and Bobby had cooked him dinner. It was only the two of them home that night. May had a soccer game Athena and Michael were at with Harry.

"How was it?" Bobby asked gesturing for his son to sit across from him at the table.

Buck let out a chuckle and sat down with a huge smile across his face. "It was great. I know it's right for me."

Bobby nodded his eyes beaming, glowing at his son. "Good. I'm happy you've found your passion." Buck nodded clearly noticing Bobby was trying to suppress his acceptance and excitement after months of pushing him away. "You know I want you to work with me when you pass."

"Mom told me already, but I think that'll be good anyways as long as you don't go into Dad mode."

"We'd be fine. Plus, Hen and Chim are quite excited to have you working with us."

"That's awesome." Buck said scratching his forehead.

Bobby began to go into great detail about how the firehouse runs, and what he'd learn at the academy versus what he'll need to learn and adjust to on his own. How calls are supposed to run and how it is best to keep them smooth.

Buck listened to it all. He let his father talk his ear off about work, and he genuinely enjoyed hearing it.

Once they finished dinner they watched some tv together and Buck started talking about something's he had yet to tell his father.

"You know Cam?" His father nodded. "He asked me to move in with him." Bucks voice was tense.

Bobby just blinked at his son. "What did you say?"

Buck shrugged. "I need to think about it."

Bobby nodded and took a deep breath. "How old is he 22?" Buck nodded. "You're 19 now. How long have you been seeing each other?"

"About a year. Around when I started college." Buck answered.

Bobby pursed his lips. "Do you love him?"

"I like being with him. He makes me happy."

"But do you love him?" He repeated.

Buck shrugged. "I'm really bad at knowing my feelings." He took a pause. "It's hard for me to know what they are."

"I know." Bobby replied. "But I think before you make a life altering choice like that, that you should be sure what your feelings are first."

"So you're not mad that he asked me?" Buck questioned.

Bobby sighed again. "No Buck I'm not mad that you're growing up and that means one day you'll be moving out whether it be alone or with someone else. I am happy you included me in your decision. I am proud that you were wise enough to take time to think about what that would mean. I am thankful that you are honest about not knowing how you feel or what you exactly want, but I do get worried that you impulsively make choices because you are unaware of how you truly feel."

"I do that a lot." He admitted.

"I know. So please don't do that. You're not only affecting yourself with your choice but Cam as well. You need to be 100% sure of what you want before you tell him which choice it is."


AN: I think the next chapter will probably be the last one and then I'm going to make a sequel that's going to cover Buck's time and beyond with the 118. :)

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now