6. Trouble

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Back to school arrived quicker than Evan wanted. Bobby bought him all the supplies he needed and met with his teacher and the school administrators to talk about Evan and his past, which stressed the child out. He hated people knowing about his personal life, it was none of their business.

He got on the bus that morning Bobby promising to pick him up from the aftercare at 4 after work. He sat alone on the bus as other kids were all jumping around, he was so afraid.

When he stepped off the bus he was met with somebody, a lady who walked him to his classroom. She took him to the teacher who was writing on the board. "Mr. Trent this is your new student Evan Buckley-Nash." The tall man turned around and had a welcoming smile.

"Hey Evan, let me find an open seat for you."

The class began to file in and the woman left leaving him standing in the front of the classroom with the tall man.

"Oh right here next to...Evan."

He took his seat and the boy turned to him. "Hi I'm Evan are you new?"

Evan nodded in reply. "Yeah, it's my first day." He said back shyly. "My names Evan too."

"Really?" He said like it was the most shocking thing he'd ever heard. "The kid over there with those glasses, he's Evan too."

The teacher got the attention to the class and then gestured to Evan. "Class this is our new student Evan Buckley-Nash. He's brand new to our school so I want you all to be nice and help him find his way around the building." Mr. Trent then approached his desk. "So Evan, do you have a nickname? Anything I could use to not have Evan 1, 2, and now 3."

The child shrugged. "My football coach called me Buckley." He said nervously feeling everybody staring at him for being new.

"Hmmm," the man said thinking. "Why don't we shorten that, how do you feel about Buck?"

Evan raised his eyes in thinking. "I think I like that. Can we try it for the day?"

"Yep, great, okay class I'm going to collect the math homework, Buck just follow along until I can get you a copy." Buck nodded.

Bobby picked his son up from school the child jumping into his arms. "Did you have fun?" He asked.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" He cheered a huge smile across his face making Bobby laugh.

"I'm happy to hear that kid. Let's get you home and I'll make us some dinner."

Bobby cooked as Evan sat in his room looking at his homework struggling to read the instructions. He wasn't very good with his reading, he never got to practice like other kids did.

"Evan dinners done!" Bobby called from the kitchen causing the boy to stop was he was doing.

"Can you call me Buck too?" He asked confusing Bobby.

"Buck? Where'd that name come from?"

"Well there are 3 Evan's in my class at school so my teacher asked if I had a nickname. I said my football coach called me Buckley, and he asked me if Buck was okay. So I'm Buck now."

"If you like it, I'll call you whatever you'd like." Bobby said nodding putting another smile on the child's face.

After a couple of weeks of adjusting to school, both Mr. Trent and Bobby noticed how Buck was rather behind in his learning.

Bobby had a meeting with the man on the end of the day. He entered the mans classroom taking a seat across from his desk and saw Evan in the corner entertaining himself with some toys.

"Hi, you must be Mr. Nash, I'm Mr. Trent. It's nice to meet you."

"Bobby's fine, nice to meet you too. I have a feeling I already know what this is about."

"Right, well it's come to my attention that your son is a bit behind in his reading and writing abilities." The man went on for a bit longer explaining to Bobby what he's noticed. "Have you ever worked with him on spelling words years previous?"

Bobby shook his head. "No, I adopted him a couple of months ago. His parents weren't a good situation for him."

The teacher nodded slowly. "I see. I was hoping on top of our regular work, I could give you a list for him to practice each week. He won't be quizzed at all, but if he's going to be staying in 4th grade he's going to have to gain some better skills."

"Okay, sounds good. Maybe we can check in about this in a few weeks?" Bobby asked the man.

"Yes absolutely." Mr. Trent responded and Evan approached his adoptive father.

"Bobby I made a castle, and you save everybody when there's a fire." Bobby smiled at the boy who pointed at the lego blocks he had put together.

"Awesome kid, come here." Bobby gestured and wrapped the boy in a hug. "I'm proud of you."

"For what?"

"For not giving up."

Buck looked at Bobby with confusion but nodded and picked up his legos and then his book bag.

"Can we go home? I'm tired."

Bobby took a paper from the teacher containing some extra words on it and thanked him. "Say bye to Mr. Trent and we can go home."

After dinner Bobby tried to help Buck with his homework but the child was reluctant, as he normally was. However, when Bobby explained the extra words the boy got upset, no angry. A side to Evan, Bobby had yet to see.

"No!" He yelled at Bobby. "That's stupid!"

"Hey, it's not stupid. His class is just moving a little fast than what you've already learned."

"No! I'm not doing that!"

"Why not?" Bobby said being sure to remain as calm as possible.

"Because it's stupid! You're not helping me anymore!" He stormed off to his room sobbing into his pillow. A mixture of humiliation, anger, guilt, and fear. What if Bobby doesn't want him now because he yelled at him.

He cried alone in his room shaking on his bed as he thought about Bobby kicking him out.

The older man sat stunned at the table. He'd never heard his son raise his voice, or get so defensive. He definitely hit a sore subject. He let the kid have space for a few minutes before knocking on his door and opening it.

"Hey Evan-Buck, I just I didn't mean to make you angry. Can we talk about it?"

"I'm sorry." The kid completely broke down as the words left his mouth. Bobby watched the boy fall apart helplessly before wrapping him in to a supportive hug.

"Take some deep breaths. You're okay."

"I'm sorry." He repeated through his tears, his tiny body shaking.

"Shhhh." Bobby held him protectively until he calmed. "Now what's got you all worked up? I know it's not having 6 extra spelling words."

"I'm stupid. The other kids in class are smarter than me, and my Mom and Dad never helped me with my work. I-there is too much."

"Too much work?" Bobby asked hoping for some clarity.

Buck shook his head. "Too much change." His voice shook again and Bobby hugged him again.

"Oh Evan I'm sorry. I should have done a better job making sure you were adjusting okay."

"It's just a lot and there's so many people now all the time. I still need some breaks."

"Right, I understand. Why don't you come out here with me and we can finish all your work. Then I'll give ya some alone time for a bit. Sound like a plan?"

Buck nodded following Bobby back into the kitchen.

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now