25 - Aftermath

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Trikka hummed a soothing song to herself as she brought the knife down on the various assortments of vegetables on the bench. It was odd only having to cook for herself for a few days, she wasn't entirely used to quickly whipping up small dishes. But it had been a relaxing few days. As much as she loved her brother, spending some time away from them had been a rather pleasant getaway. But one she was looking forward to coming to an end.

She gently raised her knife and with her spare hand, brushed the purple and green flowers off into the pot of boiling water before closing the lid and setting the oven to 'caramelise'. A faint blue light emitted from the base of the stove and it let out a series of short beeps as it scanned the contents of the pot. After a few seconds the light turned green to signal a successful scan.

With the stove all set Trikka spun around and hopped on over to the fridge with a happy bounce to her step. She opened the door and grasped a glass bottle filled with a pink liquid. Placing it on the table she then grabbed a glass from the drawer under the bench and with a quick pop of the lid, began to pour herself a glass. The liquid was a bright pink, almost red coloured wine with a nebula engraved into the bottle.

She made her way out of the kitchen and stepped over to the lounge where all the couches lay. Breathing a sigh of relief, she took another sip of her wine before laying down on the couch with a relaxed sigh. She let herself sink into the soft surface of the couch and fished around on the table next to her for her favourite book.

She started to have second thoughts though. Looking outside it was pitch black, the sun having set long ago. Her thoughts drifted back to her brother and Quin. She wondered how they were doing and what they were up to. If they were on their way home or not. She was really starting to miss them. Even Ko and Fischer were on her mind.

Her thoughts then shifted to Ko and the predicament that had caused all this. She couldn't stop thinking about how she said she had seen Quin in her sleep. That was over two months ago. But it felt like it was yesterday.

What did she even mean by that? She had seen Quin as in actually seen her? Seen her flesh and skin, her bio lights, her eyes? Or she thought she had seen her, but instead had spotted or dreamed of an entirely different person.

At first her thoughts were the latter. And even now she was still convinced that was true. But she'd be lying if what she had seen didn't raise any red fags or sway her opinion. Ko's seemingly constant seizures and dips in and out of consciousness had become a real concern. Her talk of angels and this strange lantern device had begun to sound more and more like an actual thing that she was seeing, rather than a simple misunderstood dream. It seems like every time she was asked about it, she doubled down on her claims.

Trikka had no doubt the girl was as sweet as could be. She was almost like the perfect example of innocence. Seeing how she talked to Fischer was also quite amusing. She seemed so bubbly and happy around them all. It made her claims seem even more disturbing.

Before she had any more time to think about it however, a low rumble caught her attention. It came from outside and as she listened closer, it slowly grew louder and louder. It was unmistakably a jump ship.

A big smile crept across her face and she sprung out of her chair. Setting the wine glass down she grabbed her coat and waved it around her before heading to the front door.

With haste she turned the lock and jumped into the crispy cold outside air. Despite the tropical planet being rather warm during the day, it could get painfully cold at night sometimes. Thankfully it wasn't too horrible tonight however.

Looking up to the night, Trikka was met by the blinding way lights of a fairly large jump ship touching down just in front of the house. However, before she got too excited about the return of her friends, she noticed something odd.

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