▹ The eyeball thieves.

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Halloween, George Lee absolutely loves it and now he has a dog? Even better. It goes without saying that George had his outfit planned months in advance, and he wasted no time getting all dressed up on the day of Halloween.

"Pluto and Goofy?" Namjoon asked as he stepped into the room, taking in George and Pluto's attire. Proudly, George gave a nod and looked down at Pluto, who looked extremely happy in his costume.

"Pluto's daycare is holding a Halloween party for owners and pups, and I was not about to miss out on the opportunity to attend. You wanna come?"

"I'll pass."

"Pass on what?" Jungkook suddenly came into the room.

"I'm taking Pluto to his daycare Halloween party. Hey, you can come and bring Bam if you want? Pluto still isn't fully comfortable with the other dogs yet but I think he'll open up a bit more if Bam is with him."

Jungkook pondered on the offer for a moment. "You think they'll let him in?"

"All dogs are welcome," George told him.

"You know what? Sure. Let me just go get him dressed."

George gave a thumbs up as he knelt down to the floor to ruffle a very excited Pluto's ears.

"You're gonna play at the party with your new friend, Bam?" George cooed, leaning down to kiss Pluto's fur.

With Pluto being relatively new to the daycare, he had been having trouble making friends and so, George felt a little more at ease knowing that Bam would probably help being out Pluto's social side.

"Is he not settling into the daycare well?" Namjoon asked, reaching down to pet Pluto.

George sighed. "I don't know. He just seems shy? Like he won't approach any other dog and the ladies say he cries until he sees me. I'm hoping Bam might give him a bit of confidence."

Namjoon nodded, peering down at the small dog in front of him. "I wouldn't worry about him, it's new to him. I'm sure he'll have a good time tonight, and I'm sure all the dogs are gonna be jealous of his Pluto costume."

"They better be. I put so much effort into our matching costume."

"You both look great, very creative."

George grinned widely. "Thanks Joon, I would say the same for you but you wear the same mask every day of the year."

That earned him a slap on the back.

"Hyung! You ready to go?" Jungkook asked as he entered the room clad in a last minute vampire costume whilst Bam wore a cape and a little devil hat that George had gotten for Pluto a few months ago.

Immediately, Bam ran to Pluto and the two sniffed each other before quickly recognising who each other were, and began to excitedly jump around.

George quickly placed the leash on Pluto, and the four were out the door.

"Mr Lee! Lovely to see you, and I see you brought a new friend!" The lady greeted. She shook Jungkook's hand and then leaned down to pet Bam.

"I thought Pluto might feel a little better if he had a friend here."

"Of course! Lovely costumes by the way!"

George grinned. "Thank you."

As the four were escorted into a large Halloween decorated room, Pluto's personality seemed to quieten and he stayed closer to George. Frowning, George shared a look with Jungkook.

Bam seemed to be a lot more confident but also recognised Pluto's anxiety, and as though he was guarding him, Bam sat down in front of the smaller dog.

"Is he protecting him?" George asked, fixing his Goofy hat.

"It appears so," Jungkook replied, a small smile on his face.

After a few moments, Pluto gained a bit of confidence and began running towards the other dogs, only stopping to check if Bam was behind him — which he was.

Bam managed to get into the group of dogs first, and then slowly but surely, Pluto followed him and began to play with the other dogs more confidently.

George had never felt more relieved in his life.

"Candy eyeball?" Jungkook offered, holding up some Halloween sweets in the shape of a bloody eyeball.

George's eyes widened. "That looks scarily real."

"That's 'cause it is. Cut it fresh from a corpse this morning," Jungkook joked.

George grimaced. "That's the most disturbing thing you have ever said."

Jungkook grinned in return and popped the eyeball in his mouth, humming in delight as the flavour danced across his tastebuds. Feeling a little jealous, George grabbed another eyeball off of the table and placed it between his teeth, pulling a little bit off.

"Oh my god!" Jungkook glanced at him in amusement as George's eyes lit up. "Stuff some more in your pockets! They're free. These are great, grab all you can get. Go go go!"

Jungkook did as told, grabbing as many eyeballs as he could before the two then stepped away from the table casually.

"Mr Lee, one of the other dog mums have informed Twitter that you are here and now there's a large group forming outside," the lady who greeted them at the door approached, a guilty look on her face.

George and Jungkook visibly deflated. They could already hear the group of people outside, and flashes of their phone cameras as they tried to peek in through the window.

"I'm so sorry about this. Do you happen to have a back door we can escape through? We will call our security to get them away as quickly as possible."

The lady nodded. "Of course, right this way."

Jungkook and George quickly collected Pluto and Bam before following the lady. George balanced the phone between his shoulder and his ear whilst trying to handle a crying Pluto, who was not fond of all the loud noise.

"How fast can you guys get here?"

"Three minutes, we're already on our way, you guys are trending. Army are trying to cover up the tweet of your location."

George mentally cooed. That was so sweet of them.

Until security arrived, George and Jungkook could not leave the building to get to George's car. So, they slumped in the back room feeling absolutely horrible about how their Halloween turned out.

"I'm sorry buddy," George mumbled to Pluto apologetically. "You had just made some friends, and I ruined it."

"You didn't ruin anything. It was the person that leaked where we are that wrecked everything," Jungkook told him.

"I know, I just wish I could have given Pluto and Bam a better night."

It was silent for a moment.

"Well, they have each other. And they will be together when we return home to scoff our faces with eyeballs. Don't feel so down, they had fun."

George nodded. "I guess... now pass me an eyeball I need to eat my sorrows."

Those eyeballs were a great way to get over the Halloween sadness.


this seems a little rushed, purely because i wanted to get it out. it was halloween like to two days ago but better late than never.

also, what did you think of the goofy and pluto costume?

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x

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