▹ George's rollercoaster adventure

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This is my 31st chapter...am I the only one who is mind blown by that??

"Let's break up."

Yoongi gave George a side glance. "We aren't together..." he responded and turned back to the people ahead of them.

"Let's break up."

"Are you broken?"

George sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The boys had a bet which George and Yoongi lost, so now, they had to pay the price of going on one of the biggest rollercoasters in the park. Yoongi didn't seem so bothered, George was ready to start crying.

How his nerves are tied in with him wanting to break up his non existent relationship with Yoongi is a question that will forever remain unanswered because well, we're talking about George. He's weird and random in many ways.

There were still many people ahead of them which gave George time to collect himself, but the feeling in his chest didn't seem like it was going away. The closer they got, the more nauseous George felt. 

George Lee had always been the type of person to act tough in situations but is secretly terrified but he can mask it well. However, when it comes to rollercoasters he has a very hard time hiding his fear.



"Did you just fart?"

"I'm nervous leave me alone." Yoongi stifled a laugh and looked towards the ground. The boy beside him was bouncing on the spot nervously causing the older boy to roll his eyes. Sure, Yoongi wasn't the biggest fan of rollercoasters either but he wasn't that bothered.

For a second he questioned why George was being so dramatic until he realised that he's talking about the one and only  George Lee aka the most dramatic person to walk Earth. I mean, he will literally drop a spoon and that's it, his life is horrible and no one can convince him otherwise.

They finally got to the front and were immediately ushered to their seats. The employees helped them with the safety procedures before they were left alone, waiting for everyone else to get on. George's heart was about to burst and he felt sick to his stomach.

Maybe he shouldn't have shared that hotdog with Taehyung.

Noticing his extreme nervousness, Yoongi rolled his eyes and tried to make it seem like he was irritated, but on the inside he was genuinely concerned. George was known to have panic attacks and he looked as if he was very close to one. Yoongi didn't even look at him as he grabbed his hand.

George let out a high pitched scream at the sudden contact and jolted in his seat but quickly relaxed when he realised that it was Yoongi's hand. He let out a breath as the ride began moving, he squeezed his eyes shut as well as Yoongi's hand.

"Man up George. Be a man. Remember when you had a fight with that spider? Yeah, you were a man then you can be a man now."

"You had a fight with a spider?" Yoongi asked with a frown.

"Yeah. It was sitting in the corner of my room just...spiderin' you know? And then it moved and I threw myself onto the floor and then it ran towards me and I panicked...so I jumped up and ran away. I got on top of the bed and got threw some lotion at it like I won't hesitate bitch. But it didn't die. So I trapped it in a glass and took it outside."

Yoongi stared blankly for a few seconds before nodding slowly. "Sounds eventful."

"Oh it wa—PONIES, I LOVE PONIES!" George screamed as the rollercoaster picked up speed unexpectedly. Yoongi was tense beside him, but the older man couldn't help but question George's choice of scream.


Yoongi turned to look at him. Why the heck would he scream that? Suddenly, George's eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body dropped for a second – genuinely like his soul left his body before he opened his eyes and looked slightly dazed.

"DID YOU JUST PASS OUT?" Screamed Yoongi.

George didn't hear him. "NO I PASSED OUT."


Again, George didn't understand. "NO."

Finally, the rollercoaster came to an ed and George stumbled onto the ground. He literally keeled over for a split second once again, but thankfully Jin was already standing there waiting and managed to catch him.


"George we're right here, why are you screaming?"



"Leave him. He just passed out on the rollercoaster, doesn't know what he's saying. Why the hell would you make him go on that?" Yoongi scolded the boys who looked slightly guilty at George's sickened state.

He was literally being held up by Jin.

"Come on, let go sit you down with some water." The eldest practically carried George over to a bench and sat him down whilst Hoseok and Namjoon rushes to get him some water.

"I think I'm gonna throw up."

"Haha me every time I look at your face." Jungkook giggled earning a slap from Yoongi. "I was kidding Hyung."


Needless to say, that's the last time George would ever be getting on a rollercoaster.

It is literally 4 AM but I wanted to write this chapter because the idea was in my brain.

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread.

Your support means everything, thank you so much.

You are very much appreciated 💜

- Blue x

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