▹ BTS Run! Wake up call.

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George scattered behind Yoongi out of the house rubbing his eyes tiredly and grumbling something about Ariana Grande checking his shoe size. He was wearing some fitted sweatpants, with a long-sleeved, black vans shirt and his Gucci slides, his hair was all over the place and it was evident that he had woken up literally seconds before exiting the house. Rubbing his face, he stopped behind Yoongi and yawned loudly, praying to god that the editors don't zoom in on his face - which knowing them, they probably would (And they did).

"Did you sleep well?" The two boys nodded, George blinked slowly as he tried to wake himself up but it simply just wasn't working well for him. "You two are out first so I'll give you easy ones." They nodded, though George still had no idea what the hell was going on. He simply saw Yoongi nod and copied, he wasn't even sure what this was for anymore, he was that out of it. Yoongi was provided with the word 'Ha', as the others exited the house.

"It's not 9 o'clock yet. It's not 9 yet," Namjoon interjected as he stepped out onto the grass. George didn't even acknowledge his presence, far too busy trying to keep himself from falling asleep standing up. It was freezing cold, so that factor was keeping him from drifting off. Stuffing his hands on his pockets, he bent one of his knees, putting most of his weight on one leg, still blinking rapidly.

Yoongi answered to him whilst George gawked with droopy eyes and a puffy face. He wasn't paying attention to any of his surroundings which is why it came as a shock when he felt two arms grab onto him from behind. Crinkling his nose, he craned his neck to find Jimin standing there with a wide grin. How he was that happy, George would never know but he didn't object and simply leaned back into Jimin's hold which made the younger boy very happy, to say the least since George usually pushes him away.

When the sound of the director's alarm sounded George's closed eyes snapped open and he let out a loud groan, he couldn't stand the sound. The mission was about to start, but he couldn't find it in him to care, he just wanted some time to wake up and wanted to be out of the cold. The first word was given to Yoongi, who began murmuring some lyrics only to be told that he was wrong. Letting out a whine, he moved out of the way and George stepped forward rubbing his eyes. The same word was given to him and he stood for a solid 5 seconds just gawking before silently moving to the back.

Namjoon ended up getting it right earning a scoff from George, who was quickly scolded by Jin. "You didn't even give an answer, what are you scoffing for?" Jin pushed his shoulder playfully causing George to stumble easier than usual because of how tired and distracted he was.

"I hope you get it wrong," George mumbled, voice much deeper due to the lack of use. Jin did end up actually getting it wrong to which he then placed the blame on George, who didn't really show any signs of caring, he just shrugged his shoulders weakly.

The line went down until it was George's turn and he knew the answer to this one. He was sure of it. "Tomorrow," he answered confidently. The director nodded and George let out a high pitched giggle before running off back inside the house, leaving the boys to groan and moan about George getting warmth. George walked upstairs to find Taehyung on the balcony, deciding that he was going to join him, he stepped outside and waved at Jin who fist pumped the air.

The two giggled when a sleepy JHope and Jungkook stumbled outside, Jungkook resembling exactly what George looked and felt like. The two leaned on the railing, watching them rotate as they got the answers wrong. George couldn't stop the laughter from tumbling out after Hoseok enthusiastically sang to I Need U, believing it to be the correct answer just to be completely deflated when he was told it was wrong.

"Yah! Idiot."

"I'm not! I genuinely thought I got it right," Hoseok fumed in disbelief.

Jimin was bouncing all over the place and excitedly ran into the house when told that he was correct. George gave Tae a pat on the shoulder before entering the house himself, feeling the intense hunger start to hit him. Jungkook and Hoseok were making breakfast, so George headed to bed. It wasn't long before Jin entered the room and fell on top of him, usually, George would groan but he was far too tired to do anything, so he simply curled up like a baby and stuffed his face into Jin's chest, who laughed in surprise.

"You smell...nice..." George mumbled into his chest as Jin's scent fogged up his brain, sending him further into a daze.

After what felt like hours, Jungkook's voice sounded calling the boys for breakfast. George grabbed his black beanie off of the side of the bed and threw it on, leaving the front of his hair exposed as it fell down flat on his forehead. Yawning, he stretched out his limbs and closed the door behind him. He threw himself down on the stool as Taehyung and Jimin fought for the seat beside him, with a proud smile, Jungkook dropped a plate of pancakes in front of him knowing that George didn't eat very much in the morning, so he didn't overfeed him.

Ruffling the Maknae's hair, George grabbed the chocolate syrup and whipped cream. It wasn't the healthiest, but George is George and doesn't really care about much, especially not that. The two older Maknae's were fighting for the seat next to George, who ignored their existence. It really surprised him sometimes how much they loved him, they clowned him and bullied him, but they loved him.

"I can show you the world," George sang quietly to the pancake stuffed on his fork. The Disney obsession starting to show. "Shimmering, shining, splendid. Tell me, pancake, now when did you last let your heart decide?" The boys were in their own conversation, ignoring George who was confidently serenading the piece of food - minus Hoseok who was grinning at him. He was the only one who had paid attention.

"George, stop singing Aladdin to your pancake and eat it," Yoongi scolded, guiding George's hand so the pancake went into his mouth. "You're like an adult baby, I swear."

George didn't say anything, he just did a small happy dance whilst munching delightfully on his pancakes which had been fed to him.

Maybe he is a big baby.

❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞.  𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 [ ✓ ] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin