▹ Making amends.

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"Stop your worrying, Kid. You've got millions of people whose hearts are currently throbbing at the sight of your frown, mine being one of them. You may hate me George, but I care about you more than you seem to think. And I don't want you blaming this on yourself, your father doesn't and your siblings certainly do not. We're all fine, just some things we need to fix but whatever you do, don't come home. The police are thinking that this is an act, targetted to hurt you and if you come back then there's a high possibility you will be putting yourself in danger and i don't want that. Okay?"

Her eyes were as sincere as her voice. It took George a few seconds before he finally nodded reluctantly. His eyes weren't as bright as they usually were, his smile hadn't made an appearance since he found out about the break-in and his heart was heavy with guilt. His step-Mum had managed to take some of the guilt away but there was still some excess there seeping into his heart.

"I don't hate you..." he mumbled, her eyes glistened with hope as she urged him to continue with one single head nod. George sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I could never hate you, you're the closest thing to a Mum I have. You've looked after me like a Mother would even when I tried to stay away from you. I guess it's just hard for me to share my Dad since he was all I had from literal birth. I'm sorry for being so rude..."

George hadn't yet fully accepted her, it would take him time because in his eyes, from being a very young age, he'd grown up believing that this woman just wanted to take his Father away from him. And she had succeeded because his Father did start to push him away, but George had started to realize that maybe the problem has never laid with her. And he decided that she wasn't leaving anytime soon, so he might as well try and get over the hurt he had felt.

"I appreciate that George. I hope we can try and build a bond. I'm sure that would make your Father very happy - you should remember that you was his first and you always will be. He loves every bone in your body, George. He understands where he went wrong with you and if he could change that he would. He still can, we can all be a family and I know it isn't easy for you. I won't push you...take things slow?"

George managed to smile, giving her a weak nod. "Take things slow."

A sudden cry sounded from the background of the call making his step mum sigh. "I better go, we're staying in a hotel for the time being and little Aerum doesn't like the new change. No blaming yourself Mr, we miss you, have a good show!"

The two said their goodbyes and the face time call ended. George let out a sigh and fell back onto the bed. He was laying there for about five minutes when the door creaked open and Namjoon's head popped in. George briefly lifted his head off of the pillow before huffing and dropping back down. Namjoon chuckled and closed the door gently. He sauntered towards the bed and sat down on the edge, his hand falling onto George's knee.

"How are you feeling?"

George sighed and glanced up at the ceiling sorrowfully. "I guess, I mean...I agreed to slowly create a bond with Hwayoung....noona?...my mother? I don't know what to call her anymore. She keeps telling me not to blame myself but how am I supposed to do that when the main reason they did what they did was to get to me? They could've hurt my siblings and her if she didn't act quickly!"

"George, you can't stop the actions that other people choose to get their anger out. Blaming yourself won't change the past nor will it make your family feel any better. You're just making yourself feel unnecessarily worse. We're going to the UK in a few days, maybe that will help perk you up? Taking you to your hometown, you can show us around, your favourite areas and stuff."

George sat up and threw himself into Namjoon's arms, he was surprisingly ready for it. Squeezing the older boy, Namjoon rested his head on top of George's and smiled gently.

"Thank you, Joon."

"Thank you, George."

The two stayed in that position for a while, just enjoying the feeling of their arms around each other in complete silence, only making small talk every now and then. That's exactly what George needed.

He just needed a hug.

❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞.  𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 [ ✓ ] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang