▹ The new bear

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It was a cold crisp September night and George was sitting comfortably in his studio, eyes tired but forcing himself to stay awake for the sake of the live. He didn't want it to end yet despite the fact that he really wanted to go home and get in bed.

He had promised Army that he would do a live and he was going to keep that promise. Many told him to get some rest, but he was determined to talk to them. He had missed interacting with them a lot.

"Give you a studio tour? Hmm maybe one day. It isn't that big really, you can pretty much see all of it now," he explained and angled the camera so that they could see around the room. "I like it, it's cozy."

George scanned around the room with a fond smile on his face. His studio was something he really loved. It was the place he went when he was stressed or just needed to unwind. It wasn't extravagant, George likes to keep things simple.

Colourful LED lights were attached to the top of his wall going all around the studio and he had a few pictures up in the back as well as a couch placed behind him with a few BB cushions scattered across it.

Dotted around the room were some Disney themed ornaments and the rest was just expensive equipment.

George never really turned on his LEDs on live, but after a load of comments begged him to, he grabbed the remote and switched the lights to purple.

"Purple because I purple you."

George shifted his attention to his computer and pulled up YouTube. His fingers pressed the keys carefully as he typed in a song. Soon enough, Purple Rain by Ivan Lorenzo began to play softly in the background. 

"Who would I like to collaborate with in the future? Hmm, I'd like to do one with Lee Hi again because her talent is impeccable and I enjoyed working with her. Other than her then maybe Dean? Or I'd quite like to work with Chungha."

George cocked his head to the side as he dived into his thoughts.

"Oh, I'd also like to do a song with a TXT member or I'd love to work with Stray Kids. Those boys have remarkable talent, so maybe in the future I'd work with one of them or maybe the entire group, Who knows?"

George finalised his answer with a firm head nod before readjusting himself on his chair to get more comfortable.

"Where's Pluto? Um right now, I believe he is with umm-" George furrowed his eyebrows. "I think I left him with Soobin."

George leaned forward to grab his phone, eyebrows furrowed and eyes slightly panicked. Army began to spam the comments with jokes about how George had lost his dog.

"Hello?" Soojin's voice bounced off of the walls causing the comment section to go wild.

"Hi it's me, George. Um- this is gonna sound odd but did I leave Pluto with you?"

"No, he's with Yeonjun hyung. They're playing outside right now. Why? Would you like me to go get him?"

"Ah no, im on live and they wanna know where he is. Anyway, Soobin say hi."

Soobin let out a shy laugh, suddenly feeling slightly under pressure.

"Hi Army!"

George grinned at the camera. "Anyway, sorry to disturb you. I'll let you get back to whatever its you was doing before I blessed you with my voice."

❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞.  𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 [ ✓ ] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat