▹ The tough decision

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| 2017.

"You want to leave?"

Devastation was not the word to describe the looks on his members faces as George reluctantly nodded his head, tear tracks coated down his cheeks after a breakdown in the car.

"May I ask why?"

"It's too much right now. I feel panicky 24/7 and I'm done putting on a front. I can't keep pretending like I'm not suffering, I need to get professional help. I'm not okay."

George hadn't been okay for a while. He'd always suffered with bad mood swings every now and then, but this was worse than anything he had ever experienced. He felt like he was drowning constantly and it was becoming too much for him.

He loved his job and his members they were basically his brothers at this point, but George wasn't really sure what else to do. Surely they'd be better off without him going on to be a seven piece instead of eight.

"Look, this is all out of the blue. I don't want you to make a decision like this and regret it. So, how about this. We put you on hiatus for a little while and give you some time to think, provide you with the proper help and go from there."

George glanced around the room. His members looked absolutely defeated, though with the new proposition they looked more hopeful. Jungkook had tears streaming down his face, a sight that George didn't like.

As much as Jungkook irritated the life out of him, that kid was his baby brother and best friend. He had helped look after Jungkook since he was an early teenager. The Maknae had become reliant on George.

Who would hold him when he was embarrassed or upset? Who would bother him and slap him with a broom until he woke up? Who would scream down his ear just for a laugh?

George was a bigger part of BTS than he seemed to think. George has always thought that he wasn't as good as his members, that he didn't deserve to be there and they didn't need him.

Each member needed George more than he understood. He's a big part of their lives.

"Fine. I'll do that."

He didn't want to leave BTS but he wasn't sure whether staying was worth it. Maybe some time to think was what he really needed, just a few days to evaluate everything and come to terms with his decision.

His mental health had to come first but they had offered him help which he was going to take. Maybe he didn't have to leave, maybe he did just need that help.

George sighed and wrapped an arm around Jungkook, who was silently sobbing into his hands. He pulled the Maknae into his body and cradled his head, nudging his nose into Jungkook's hair.

"I'm here, you don't need to get upset I don't like seeing you upset."

"You're thinking about leaving me though. What will I do without you? I need you Hyung."

George's heart broke into pieces. He said nothing and instead, held Jungkook much tighter. Taehyung had already began crying at this point as well as Jimin. The two gathered around George and Jungkook to join in on the hug.

Before they knew it, the group of eight was engulfed into a group hug. George closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

He had a feeling that they weren't going to let him leave if that's what he decided and deep down...he wasn't mad about it. He didn't want to leave, not when he had seven amazing best friends who need him.

The decision wasn't easy but he could already feel himself starting to make up his mind.

He didn't want to go.


I hate this but oh well. I'm feeling so much better today which is good thank god, thank you for all your well wishes! I didn't get to respond as I wasn't on my phone but here is a thank you to you all!

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You're greatly appreciated 💜

- blue x

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