▹ The lost pup

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Trigger Warnings — angst, panic attack and feeling hopeless.

Please, if you are struggling remember that you are never alone and there is always someone there to listen, me being someone. I am more than willing to listen to any of your struggles and am always here for you, even if we don't know each other.

you are never alone and your feelings are valid. you are loved.

It had been a weird week for George.

It started on Monday; he opened his eyes and all he wanted to do was curl up into a ball and fade away. He was usually awake and ready to go, but it took him two hours to even feel like he could properly take a deep breath. In all honesty, George didn't know how to feel. It's like he could feel everything and nothing all at the same time and it was starting to overwhelm him.

Still, he managed to force himself to his feet and headed straight for the shower, ignoring everyone and everything around him. He didn't feel like he had the energy to maintain a sentence, so he didn't bother trying.

This continued all the way up to Saturday, though he felt gradually worse as the week went by. Forcing a smile became harder and there was a constant tug of dread in his chest whenever he opened his eyes in the morning. The boys had noticed his change in behaviour and they had each tried to talk to him but they were faced with a forced smile and an 'i'm fine, just tired'.

They knew he wasn't but they didn't push, they could only hope he would go to them when he was ready.

Saturday morning, George was still laying in bed staring blankly up at the ceiling when Jimin burst into his room. George didn't flinch, he didn't even look at him. He wasn't even able to tear his eyes off of the ceiling.

"Pluto is gone."

George stared blankly for a few seconds before glancing at Jimin. "What do you mean he's gone?"

"He's gone, we can't find him anywhere. Taehyung said he was laying the front door and then he wasn't."

George jumped out of bed and rushed past Jimin, heart beating fast against his ribcage. Jungkook was outside screaming for the small whilst Namjoon and Hoseok were rushing around the house looking for him.

"Jin is in the backyard and Taehyung went to look around the streets, we think he might have somehow got out. We're not sure."

George stood still. It's like everything began moving in slow motion and sound became nothing but a muffled blur. His chest tightened and he struggled to concentrate. Jimin rushed in front of him but kept a good distance. George didn't like to be touched when he was stressed, it only overwhelmed him more.

The pent up emotion and dread fell down like walls around him and his knees went weak. He felt helpless and hopeless. Pluto was gone and he couldn't even go and help find him. What if they never did find him?

"Hey, hey, Georgie everything is okay just- just sit down yeah?" Jimin tried to guide him to the sofa but George felt like he couldn't move. He slid down the wall and pulled his knees up to his chest, eyes stinging with tears. He needed to get away, be anywhere but here yet he couldn't move.

"I- well, I mean the floor is good too," Jimin mumbled before kneeling in front of him. "He's going to be okay, Georgie. He's probably just hiding somewhere, you know how he is."

George pushed himself forward and yanked off his hoodie with haste, the material making him feel restricted and hot.

"I-I need to search. He-he's my do-dog, I need to leave!" George ran his hands through his hair and Jimin looked around in panic. He didn't exactly know what to do, but he knew he couldn't leave him.

"No, the others are handling it. The only thing you need to do is focus on yourself."

"I-I've been so terrible, I haven't been paying attention to him. This is my fault."

Jimin shook his head. "No, you have had things going on. You just haven't been yourself, Pluto has been perfectly happy and content. He's a curious dog, he probably just wanted to investigate something."

"I think I need to go to the hospital, Jimin. My heart hurts."

"It's just palpitations, Georgie." Jimin nodded his head assuringly and George found the strength to nod with him, lip trembling as tears ran down his cheeks. "Am I allowed to hold your hand?"

George was hesitant as he reached out his shaky hand. Jimin was slow and steady as he grabbed onto it.

"Can you name five things around us?" Jimin asked.

George glanced around, it took him a few seconds but he managed to answer. "A-a door, Pluto's toy, a shoe, Kookie's jacket- and-uh-um and a beanie."

"Good. Four things you can hear?"

George closed his eyes. "My heartbeat, Taehyung's voice, y-you and the tv."

"Even better!" Jimin praised. "Two things you can smell?"

"An-anything?" Jimin nodded. "Your cologne and scented candles."

"Amazing! One thing you can taste."


Jimin squeezed his hand and gave him a nod watching unsure. Had he done it right? He'd seen the other boys calm George down before and was going off memory. George's breathing seemed to be calming down and he managed to squeeze Jimin's hand.

"Thank you, s-sorry you had to deal with that."

"You don't need to apologize, you can't help it."

George threw his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, he was still crying and shaking but he was regaining control. His head pounded and his muscles ached as exhaustion took over. Jimin never let go of his hand and comfortingly rubbing his thumb over the back of it.

Fifteen minutes passed and George seemed to have drifted off against the wall but Jimin didn't dare move.

"I FOUND HIM!" Yoongi yelled from the garden as he walked in with Jin behind him. In his hands was a very muddy, wriggling Pluto. Taehyung and Jungkook entered the house and Hoseok and Namjoon came into the hallway shortly after. "He found a new spot right at the back of the garden and dug a hole."

"Is George okay? What the hell happened?" Taehyung quizzed, leaning down to inspect George's sweaty and tearful body. He cracked his eyes open as Jimin quietly explained the situation. Yoongi placed Pluto down and the pup ran straight for his owner, dirtying his white shirt.

"Uhm, thank you guys. Thank you for looking for him." George stood up abruptly, clutching his dog. "I need to go bathe him, excuse me."

The seven watched as George rushed out of the room, pressing kisses all over Pluto's head.

"Just give him some space, he's not been himself recently and I think he just needs some time. It's been rough for him," Jimin explained. "I'll check in on him in an hour or so."

The boys agreed as they all went back to their activities but worry and concern were high.

They all just wanted George to be okay.


i relate to george sm recently, it's been hard :( sorry for the angsty chapter, i have kinda needed to release some emotions but i want you guys to know that things will get better and some days are harder than others. 

if you are struggling, just remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and i am so proud of you for continuing to get on with your days. and if all you did today was open your eyes, then im still so proud of you. take your time. you are loved and i am always here for you. 

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you are greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x

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