"Deal?" ... "Deal!"

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"You really didn't know?!"
"No. How would I know?"

Damiano just told me about EVERYTHING that happened when I left. He even had some tears in his eyes. That made me have some tears in my eyes as well.

"But you know I can't just come back." I then said
"Why not? We all could just live like nothing ever happened. We have a spare room where you lived before you left and we didn't redecorate it...It's yours." He tried to convince me.
"Wait- really?" I almost started crying again.
"Yes. Just please come home again!" He whined.
"I'll think about it but I can't promise anything. And I don't want to hurt you, if I don't come." "So it's a yes?" He asked. "No, dam. I'll maybe visit? But I don't think I could ever live there again." "Okay but we'll come and visit you, okay?!" "Whenever you want to." I smiled at him.

I never told dam what my plans after Eurovision would be. But I knew he would be heart broken. I just couldn't tell him. Not yet.

"You free for today now?" Damiano asked. "Yeah I think so. What's your plan?" I asked while we were on our way out of the coffe shop.
"I saw a place on our way here. So we'll go there now!" He said smiling.

We stood now in front of a burger house. "Here we are." He said proudly "I know you haven't eaten today and only a caramel latte machiato isn't enough for a day." He added. I just smiled and we got in.

"Okay maybe it would have been smarter to go here before the coffee." I said laughing while we found a table to sit at.

"So what are you going to eat?" He asked me.
"Uhm I think I'm going to go with the bacon and cheese fries." I then answered.
"Nothing more? That's not enough for you." He then said worriedly. "It's okay. Plus I don't think I have enough money, for much more, in cash." I then said trying to avoid more food. "Okay... if you say so." He then said.

The waitress came and I ordered my food. "Okay I'll have a cheese burger with fries and chicken nuggets. And a bottle of water. Thank you." He said his order.

20 minutes later the food came. Damiano pushes the chicken nuggets to my 'side' of the table. "These are yours now. I'll pay everything." He said and I took the basket with the chicken. "You're too sweet. I can't accept this. Thank you tho." He just raised his brows. "Please just eat. I know you love nuggets." Damn he was right. I always eat nuggets when possible. The same thing with spaghetti carbonara. I even have an insta account where I post those two foods when I eat them.

Then I realized that he knew. I never said no to nuggets. Ughh Marlenaaa why do you always have to ruin everythinggggg!!!!

"Haha" <- that was my awkward laugh.
"Issa prankkkkkk! Of course I'll take the nuggets!" <-more awkward stuff that I say.

Damiano just shook my bad lying off and ate his burger.

We then finished and I ate everything that was mine. The fries and the nuggets. I was so proud of myself. Now we were on our way back to the hotel.
"You know what? I thought about this whole move to Italy thing." I started. "Anddd?" Dam asked curiously. "If you guys win I'll move in. If not, I won't. Deal?"

"Deal." He smiled.

I didn't think he would make it a deal.

Oh dear. What have I gotten myself in to?

Torna a casa // Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now