C78 - Pottery Shards

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The Big Bear Tribe had really been short of people recently!

The earth eggs and barley planted in the fields needed to be carefully cultivated, but hunting couldn’t be abandoned either. Not to mention, the priest had also started messing around with pottery.

Not only did they have to dig mud for pottery, they also needed firewood. All these tasks required a lot of effort.

Originally, the Big Bear Tribe had thought that they had a lot of people. Now, they felt that… they didn’t quite have enough people to do all the work.

Because they were too busy, even Yang Su and Yang Ying who had previously always managed to find opportunities to slack off no longer had any chance to anymore.

When Xiong Ye saw them two days ago, he discovered that they were now a lot more tanned. They also no longer had time to always glare at him the way they used to.

That was great.

However, it was precisely because they were short on people that they definitely wouldn’t go fight the Giant Tiger Tribe.

The Giant Tiger Tribe had many more people than they did, and they were also very strong. If they went to fight against the Giant Tiger Tribe, it would be like sending themselves into the mouth of a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The little monkey heard him, and his face filled with despair, making him look rather pitiful.

Xiong Ye added, “In order to live well in our tribe, you can’t keep hiding in your animal form doing nothing… Go help the priest with his work. Even if you can’t do heavy work, you can still do some miscellaneous things.”

This person was really very weak. He claimed to be twelve, but he was smaller than the ten year olds in their tribe. That was bad enough, but his strength was also very limited.

It was likely because of this that the priest had left him alone and hadn’t arranged any work for him.

However, Xiong Ye felt that he still needed to work. He had no parents to take care of him, but he was living in the tribe and eating the tribe’s food. He had to contribute somehow.

After talking to the child, Xiong Ye stood up and said to Zhou Ji, “Zhou Ji, I’m going to go dig for mud.”

Zhou Ji said, “Wait a moment.”

“Is there something else?” Xiong Ye asked.

Zhou Ji rose from the recliner, “Today is the first time we’re firing pottery. Help me bring the recliner over.”

He didn’t know much about firing pottery. After talking about briefly with the priest, he had let the priest go about everything on his own.

However now that the pottery was in the fire, he still needed to go and take a look.

Zhou Ji’s reclining chair was something that the priest had asked someone in the tribe who was good at carving to make. It was made out of a single large piece of wood. It was very solid and very heavy, and was usually moved around by Xiong Ye or some of the others.

Everyone felt that Zhou Ji wouldn’t be able to move it.

“Sit down, then.” Xiong Ye said.

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