C158 - Invincible

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It was impossible to say when the Beast God Temple had come into existence, but one thing was certain–many legends regarding the Beast God had been passed down in the Beast God Temple.

Of course, nobody knew for certain if they were real or made up.

However, although there was a small minority of people who didn’t believe in the Beast God’s existence and didn’t believe in the legends, the vast majority of people still believed it. This was especially the case for the priests of the Beast God Temple.

When everyone around them believed it, it would become something they all took for granted.

As for the legends regarding the Beast God… the fact that flame flowers came from the Beast God’s blood and such, was something that everyone in the Beastman Continent knew.

However, there were also some legends that the Beast God Temple guarded like treasures, and only the high-level priests of the Beast God Temple were worthy of knowing them.

The old priest who’d knelt down and was now shouting “Beast God” was one of the high-level priests of the Beast God Temple. He had heard all the legends about the Beast God and knew all the characteristics of the Beast God.

The Beast God was very powerful. Beast Kings would have no ability to resist in front of him, and not only that, the Beast God could change the size of his animal form at will.

When the Beast God appeared, plants would bloom to welcome this great god.

It was said that even on snowy days, when the Beast God slowly made his way over the snow, the surrounding plants would bud and flower…

Wasn’t all of this taking place around that giant elephant?

The old priest excitedly knelt down and shouted out to the Beast God. Seeing this situation, the younger priests around him also knelt down one after another and shouted out to Zhou Ji–since the old priest had spoken so, that powerhouse must be the Beast God! There was no doubt about it!

So that was what the Beast God looked like!

The priests were all incredibly excited.

When the priests of the Beast God Temple had come over to check out the disturbance, the people of the the great tribes of the Beastman Continent had also followed them over. Now that they saw the Beast God Temple’s people kneeling and calling out to the Beast God, they also followed suit and knelt down. However, there was a small amount of people amongst them who were pale and grim-faced–that Beast King that might’ve been killed or beaten unconscious by the Beast God was from their tribe!

Had their tribe’s Beast King offended the Beast God somehow?

These people were extremely scared and started to pray endlessly.

And then… they saw that huge elephant that was bigger than anything they’d imagined suddenly turn and charge towards another Beast King.

That Beast King was afraid of getting caught and sped up his pace, but a tree that was in front of him suddenly blocked the way… He couldn’t escape and came to the same end as the previous Beast King.

After the second Beast King was taken down, the third, fourth, and fifth Beast King were all quickly dealt with as well.

The giant elephant roared up into the sky and then charged towards another group of people.

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