C139 - News of Shi Li

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As a Beast King, the Rhinoceros Beast King was treated with respect regardless of where he went. When had he ever encountered a situation where he wasn’t taken seriously? He instantly became a little annoyed–did this young man who made food for others want a beating?

But Xiong Ye came back even before he could get angry. After hearing his conversation with Zhou Ji, Xiong Ye’s expression turned cold, “Are you trying to rob me of my meal?!” This egg fried rice was made from rice he had hulled early that morning, and the eggs were also eggs that he had gone out in the morning to gather. He wasn’t going to give a single mouthful of the egg fried rice that he’d asked Zhou Ji to make for him to anyone else!

Xiong Ye’s momentum was very shocking. The Rhinoceros Beast King who had originally wanted to put on airs froze for a moment–this was another Beast King he’d never met before!

Hai Feng’s laughter became even more delighted, “You even dare to rob Zhou Ji of his things! Are you really trying to die?!”

The Rhinoceros Beast King felt that he was about to lose any face he had when he heard Hai Feng’s words. He looked towards Xiong Ye and asked, “You’re called Zhou Ji? What tribe are you from?”

“He’s not Zhou Ji. He’s called Xiong Ye. That’s Zhou Ji.” Hai Feng pointed to Zhou Ji.

The Rhinoceros Beast King didn’t understand the situation, but he also didn’t know who to ask.

Fortunately, Zhou Ji looked at him at this moment and asked, “Are you the Rhinoceros Beast King?”

“Yes!” The Rhinoceros Beast King said. He couldn’t feel any powerful energy from this Zhou Ji. The person in front of him looked like an ordinary person, but Hai Feng’s previous words made it so that he didn’t dare to look down on this person and had instead put him on guard.

“You’re a Beast King. How could you fail to look after your own child and actually let him get chased down to be killed?” Zhou Ji asked.

“Chased and killed?” The Rhinoceros Beast King was shocked, “Wasn’t it that he ran away for fun, and you guys abducted him?”

“Why would we take him?” Zhou Ji said, “We saw that he was being hunted down and took pity on him, so we saved him.”

The expression on Zhou Ji’s face when he talked made others felt that what he was saying must be the truth.

The Rhinoceros Beast King was shocked when he heard these words, but the people of the Big Bear Tribe were also confused–people had been chasing after Xi Baobei? How come they hadn’t known?

Zhou Ji continued, “Oh, right, Hai Feng crushed the people who were chasing after him into meat patties. I don’t know if you saw that or not.” At the time, those people hadn’t seen the people of the Big Bear Tribe, but he had used his spiritual powers and ‘seen’ that they were full of malice towards Xi Baobei and wanted to kill him.

The people of the Big Bear Tribe: When had Hai Feng crushed people to death?

Hai Feng: So it turned out that the people I crushed to death were from the Giant Rhinoceros Tribe. Was Zhou Ji hiding the truth for me? Zhou Ji was such a good person!

The Rhinoceros Beast King didn’t even hesitate to say, “Impossible! Those were people from our tribe who had gone out to look for him!”

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