C80 - Canoe

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iong Ye had liked Zhu Zhan quite a lot before this. Zhu Zhan was very strong and easily drew other people’s admiration.

But that was all in a situation where Zhu Zhan wasn’t coveting his own mate.

People in the tribe knew that Zhou Ji was his, so nobody would try and snatch Zhou Ji away from him, and Xiong Ye had never felt this sense of crisis before. Now, however… When Xiong Ye looked at Zhu Zhan, he had a kind of impulse to go up and fight him.

On what basis did Zhu Zhan think that he should go and hunt for Zhou Ji? They weren’t relatives, and they didn’t even know each other well.

Xiong Ye glared hatefully at Zhu Zhan.

Zhu Zhan didn’t understand the reason for Xiong Ye’s hostility and was puzzling over it when his subordinates came over and pulled him away. “Lord, our own roasted meat is ready. Hurry and come eat.”

Zhu Zhan knew that his subordinates wouldn’t really call him over to eat just because the roasted meat was ready, so that meant that there was probably something else going on… He was a little suspicious as he followed them over, only to hear one of his subordinates say, “Lord, Xiong Ye probably thinks that you’re trying to steal Zhou Ji away from him.”

People outside the situation could see things more clearly. Zhu Zhan’s subordinate had already noticed that Xiong Ye hadn’t been happy with Zhu Zhan asking so much about Zhou Ji. His displeasure was even more apparent now.

Zhu Zhan: “……” Was that what it was? He really had no interest in Zhou Ji! He already had a mate of his own, and he wasn’t like Xiong Ye and Zhou Ji who had tied themselves to another man. His mate was the most beautiful girl of their Giant Pig Tribe!

Of course, many years had passed since then. The most beautiful girl had already given him several children and could no longer be considered the most beautiful…

“What a damned…. It’s already strange enough for those two men to find each other and become mates. I was just talking, is it really necessary to be on guard against me?” Zhu Zhan said.

Zhu Zhan’s subordinate: “If Xiong Ye was constantly asking about Zhu Zhu and said that he wanted to catch food that Zhu Zhu liked for her to eat… “ Zhu Zhan’s mate was called Zhu Zhu.

Zhu Zhan didn’t even think about it before exclaiming, “He dares?!”

Zhu Zhan’s subordinate said, “Isn’t that it?”

That was indeed the case. Nobody would allow anyone else to court their own woman… Zhu Zhan finally understood and turned to his subordinates, “Right, who allowed you to call Zhu Zhu so intimately? Call her sister-in-law! In the future, just address me as big brother. Calling me Lord makes me feel uncomfortable.”

Zhu Zhan’s subordinates: “…Big brother.” They had all grown up together and were used to calling her Zhu Zhu, but now they weren’t allowed to anymore…

Zhu Zhan added, “I wonder how Zhu Zhu is doing now… Do you think we’ll have a chance to go back?”

“Absolutely!” Zhu Zhan’s subordinates said.

“Exactly, that Zhou Ji must have a way!” Zhu Zhan said. “As for Zhu Zhu, mothers with children are the fiercest. She must be doing well.”

His Zhu Zhu was big and fierce. He often had to hide from her when she was angry; she had to be alright.

Zhu Zhu’s subordinates all nodded to express their deep approval.

They had all been afraid of Zhu Zhu when they were younger!

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