C159 - Becoming the Beast God

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The hairy mammoth suddenly stopped moving, but the area around him was still roiling with powerful energy.

He looked dazedly at the bear on his nose. It was like he’d been given a shock.

Xiong Ye was still in a bit of pain from getting hit, but it was still bearable. At this moment, he was only worried about Zhou Ji, “Zhou Ji!”

Zhou Ji had said before that he would lose consciousness and kill people at random whenever he fought. Because of this, Xiong Ye was actually a little scared right now.

Zhou Ji was too strong, and he couldn’t beat him… However, if he didn’t stop him, those who didn’t know what was going on and had only come to watch the show might all end up dead.

Xiong Ye didn’t want to see that happen.

“Zhou Ji, stop fighting and calm down.” Xiong Ye tried again.

After falling into a frenzy, Zhou Ji had no awareness of his actions at all until Xiong Ye’s voice rang out.

The tip of his nose was full of Xiong Ye’s scent, and he could hear Xiong Ye’s voice in his ears.

The haze in his mind abruptly disappeared. Zhou Ji woke up and saw Xiong Ye lying on his nose.

He couldn’t remember what had taken place before, but he could sense that Xiong Ye’s aura was a little shaky.

He hadn’t hit Xiong Ye earlier, had he?

Zhou Ji could feel that there was still a lot of energy in his body that hadn’t been used up yet. He shouldn’t have come back to his senses at this time already, yet it had happened. It was very surprising to him, but he didn’t have time to care about this now. “Xiong Ye, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Xiong Ye said and smiled at Zhou Ji.

Since Zhou Ji was able to talk, it meant that everything was fine… Xiong Ye was in a great mood at the moment and felt that… Zhou Ji’s problem didn’t seem to be anything too bad?

Didn’t they see that he’d only had to shout Zhou Ji’s name a few times for him to come to his senses?

Just as he thought this, Xiong Ye sensed a stream of energy entering his body and running through it.

He was no stranger to this situation and understood that Zhou Ji was checking his body. Now, he simply lay there quietly on Zhou Ji’s nose.

Xiong Ye and Zhou Ji had both calmed down, leaving those who had heard the conversation between them in a foolish daze.

They had previously all watched as Zhou Ji beat down all of those Beast Kings with a single stroke of his trunk.

The people of the Beast God Temple may say that this person was the Beast God, but in the eyes of many people present, this huge elephant was more like a devil.

Yet as a result now… The tribal chief of the Big Bear Tribe, Xiong Ye, had called this giant elephant Zhou Ji?

These people had all heard of Zhou Ji’s name. After all, they had often spoken about the Big Bear Tribe in recent days, and whenever they spoke about it, they would definitely bring up the tribal chief Xiong Ye and his mate.

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