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it was 9:25 and minji was going to be very late. thankfully, since it was so early, the street wasn't that crowded and there weren't too many people around. she made her way quickly toward the cafe, weaving between people as she went, checking her phone every few seconds to make sure she wasn't too late.

as she neared the cafe, she caught a short glimpse of a tall boy exiting a black car, dressed in a white shirt, black jeans, black shoes, black hat and a mask. she immediately knew it was jisung, a wide grin spreading across her lips as she ducks between a few more people before crashing right into his chest.

with a quiet grunt she feels herself being caught under her arms and lifted to stand properly. "are you okay?" the boy bends down to meet her eyes as she pulls down her own mask, grinning childishly at him. he smiles at her, pulling her in for a quick hug before taking her hand and walking her into the small cafe. it hadn't opened yet so no one was inside besides the employees.

jisung had called in and asked if it was alright for them to come in before it opened to avoid being noticed by anyone inside. luckily the owner had agreed and told jisung the door would be open from 9:00.

the cozy atmosphere of the cafe engulfs the pair in a warm embrace, welcoming them inside with open arms. minji takes a deep breath of the lingering scent of coffee and backed goods. jisung smiles at her behaviour and pulls her toward the counter.

"jisung and minji?" the cashier asks, earning a nod from the two. "great! what can i get for you guys?"

the two order and take a seat over by a window to the left of the shop. "how are you? did you sleep well?" jisung looks up from his hands as minji places her chin atop her closed ones, holding her head up. he notices her mask is no longer covering her face and he finally has a full view of her features.

her round chocolate brown eyes, her full and plump red lips, her round cheeks and small nose.

she truly was beautiful.

"jisung?" he pulls himself out of his thoughts as he remembered she was actually sitting right in front of her.

"oh, right. yeah, i slept pretty good. what about you? how did you sleep?" she shakes her head in reply and he fights back the urge to grab her hand or ask her if she just wanted to go home and get some rest.

"i didn't sleep much. but it's okay, i don't feel tired. by the way, you look nice today." he smiles gently as her own lips copy his, deep dimples appearing on either side of her lips.

"so do you. you look beautiful." his voice is quiet and deep, his words dusting her cheeks and nose in a pale pink colour. he gives her a toothy grin as she tries to hide her face in her sweater. he chuckles deeply as she sinks into her chair, flustered by his compliments, "you're cute too."

"stop, you're making me go red." as his smile gets wider, his cheeks begin to hurt and his eyes seemed to turn into little upside down 'u's.

they continue to talk about this and that before an employee brings them their food. jisung watches quietly as minji quickly takes a large bite of her bungeoppang, chocolate filling smearing on her plump cheeks as she chewed.

"you've got something here." jisung gestures to his cheek, making the girl's eyes go wide and she immediately wipes her face, smearing it further up her cheek.

"is it gone?" jisung shakes his head, grabbing a napkin and wiping her face for her. she thanks him quietly as he leans back in his seat, taking a bite of his own food and a large mouthful of his drink.

they finish up their food, continuing their conversation about whatever had come to mind and what they'd been up to.

they sit for a while, still just talking and finishing their drinks before the owner comes out and tells them that they'll have to open soon. the two decide to stay until the first few customers had come in and the owner leaves them to themselves.

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