Chapter 29

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"What? How did that happen?"

Sally said a while ago that he died after being hit by an arrow. However, it was preposterous that there was no trace of any arrow on his body. Grace asked for an explanation, Sally replied with a wry smile.

"At that time, the knights who escorted the former Duke said that something flew quickly towards the former Duke, who was running on a horse. He then suddenly grabbed his chest and collapsed. Naturally, the Knights assumed that the former Duke was hit by an arrow... but they said there were no scars of any arrow left on his chest."

"....And then?"

"So the knights immediately sent the Emperor a seal. I surmise the former Duke was attacked by some sort of 'magic'."

"...Did someone use magic to kill the former Duke Felix?"

Grace frowned and asked back. Sally shook her head and said.

"I don't know that either."

"Why? Didn't you hear about that?"


"Is that so?"

"No one can tell the cause."


Somehow, the more she heard, the more complicated her mind became. Grace asked again, asking for a clear explanation.

"At that time, the knights and the deacon of the castle claimed that someone cursed the former Duke, or they made transparent arrows through magic to injure the Duke, and asked the current Duke to search and punish those involved. So His Majesty sent the Duke of Alberton here to get to the bottom of it."

Sally replied with a shady face.


Grace was surprised and asked back. It was more astontonising because she never expected that her father, Duke Alberton, would be involved in this. Sally continued, looking at Grace.

"...Yes. As you know, the only one who has the strongest magical power in this empire is the Duke of Alberton. The Duke of Alberton came to Felix Castle, under the order of His Majesty, to find out the cause of the Duke's death and culprit, while also searching for the cause of death of the eldest wife."

"My father investigated Duchess Aileen's death too?"

"Yes. His Majesty was unable to admit that his only sister had died after a painful birth. Even though she had frequent minor illness, he was nervous until she gave birth to Duke Arthur and was pregnant with Prince Leon. He said it might be someone's conspiracy that she died suddenly, even though she was healthier than before."

"....So, how did my father announce the results of the investigation?"

At that time, what did her father see and discover? When Grace asked in a voice mixed with curiosity and a little fear, Sally replied helplessly.

"....He said he didn't find anything. So, he said that the magic that killed the former Duke and the identity of the criminal were not known by his current ability. The eldest madam also said that she had just died of difficulty and acidity."

[*T/N: I don't know which eldest madam is talked about here.( ̄ヘ ̄;)]

"....He didn't find anything? He really said that?"

"Yes. However, he said that there was one thing, 'a powerful magical power of unknown identity' that seemed to have been involved."

"He found out that it was a powerful magical power, but he couldn't find the owner of the magical power? Was everyone else convinced of this theory?"

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