Chapter 33

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5. Chamber of Secrets.

It was a night when the bright full moon was filled with a gloomy red colour. On the branches of ghost trees surrounding the huge mansion, owls began their activities under the influence of darkness and looked around the mansion with their bright yellow eyes.

They flew on the branches of dry ghost trees with a harsh momentum, as if anyone who would visit the mansion would be pecked by their sharp beaks.

Among them, the largest owl with the brightest eyes flapped its big wings and flew in front of a window of the mansion.

Unlike other rooms,the room beyond the window had, black and thick curtains that were lowered to prevent light from leaking out. The owl tilted its big head to look around, and soon began to peck at the window with its large and sharp beak.

Knock, knock.

How many times did it make the sound of stones flying and hitting onto it?*

[*T/N: It's as if the narrator is asking curiously, how many times did the owl make sounds of stones hitting on the window.]

A man covered from head to toe in a long robe approached the window. He violently opened the window and said,

"Oh, my. Gregory. It was you, you noisy fellow."

He greeted the owl sitting by the window with an unpleasant metallic sound and let it in. The owl rolled its big, round eyes, spread its large wings, and flew off to the perch in the room.

The man quickly closed the window and covered it with black curtains again. The room where the moonlight leaked from the window disappeared and was filled with strange green lights emitted by crystal beads on the center table. He said, stroking the owl's head sitting on the torch with his skinny hands.

"Gregory, tell me what you've seen and heard."

The owl growled low and began to make a sound as if the wind were blowing hard. The man listened to the sound and soon shouted nervously.

"Oh, my God!"

He stomped and walked to the wall of the bookshelf on one side, and began to take out books on the first shelf.

Then magically, the books floated and unfolded themselves and flew naturally. He grabbed each of the open books with his skinny hands and checked them, and spoke to himself in a furious voice.

"Why on earth? Why is the 'curse' getting slower? As expected, it was a big failure to complete the spell of 'blessing' at that time! Crap!Even if it is a defective product with no ability, the blood of the great ancestors flows, right? Unlike other women, I didn't expect to notice the hidden magical power."

He shouted nervously and hit the blank book hard. Then the books flew away weakly and fell on the parchment that filled the room, scattering the papers. He circled around the ruined room and murmured continuously.

"We have to do something about it somehow. I really don't have time now. That stupid emperor! What's the point of disrupting the subject of wanting things to go faster than anyone else! ... No, if the emperor hadn't sided with the monster, the monster would have tried to do something with 'suspicion' again. We can't do that. That's right. Ah! But we don't have time! How the hell is the work gonna be done!"

It was a time when he was convinced and irritated by himself.

Knock knock.

Someone knocked on the door of his room. He reacted nervously to the sound.

"Who is it?"

"It's me."

A high-pitched voice came from outside the room. Hearing that voice, he waved his hand in the air as if he had waited. The tightly closed door opened by itself, and he saw a woman was standing outside the door. Even though it was late at night, the woman was not disheveled at all, and entered through the door slowly. After confirming that the woman had completely entered the room, he once again swung his hand in the air and closed the door firmly.

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